It's been a little while since I've touched the V70 but I've been slowly getting more and more tired of the noisy PS pump.
I bought the replacement ages ago and finally decided I'd do something about it this weekend…. while it's been 40+ deg here (makes perfect sense, right?).
When I've scanned the car a few times previously, it's thrown a code for a coolant temp sensor issue on a couple of occasions, so I put a new genuine Volvo one aside too and figured I'd get it done at the same time as the PS pump.
I've also had some pretty erratic ambient temp readings on the dash too, ranging from -4 deg through to 56 deg.
So added that to the list as well.
Despite having only done ~1500kms since it last had an oil change and a new filter, its been a bit over 12 months so figured I'd add that to the list too.
I think both sensor issues could likely be the connectors on the loom, rather than the sensors themselves, but the new ones are, well, new and they come with a new sensor-side connector - this, at least could be half the problem. 🙂
New PS pump done, clean oil and new filter, new coolant temp sensor, new ambiemt temp sensor and a good checkover all felt a bit overdue and I'm happy that they're done.
I've noticed a RH inner driveshaft boot looks to have seen better days so that can go on the 'next time' list as it isnt a 'leak' yet or a proper split.
A couple of new, overdue pics -