I got notified last week that my local self-serve wreckers had a 1997 S70 in. So, yesterday, I grabbed a handful of tools and went out for a look to see what I could find.
The car was a base car with cloth interior, single zone climate control but interior plastics that hadnt been vandalised were in decent shape.
So I came home with these -

The passenger side B pillar trim that I'd used from my parts car when I did the complete interior swap had a small crack in it and the section around the seatbelt opening had some minor wear marks from years of use, but it was the best one I could find at the time so I used it anyway.

The S70 at the wreckers had mint B pillar trims, a good seat of interior grab handles (I've been missing the drivers one since doing the roof lining. My parts car and a couple of others I'd fished parts from didn't have one that was usable.
I left the LR grab handle there as there was a fairly large sketchy looking spider who seemed fonder of it than I was.

My glovebox bin also was broken around the mounting holes and the one from the S70 was perfect, so grabbed that too.

I tinkered this afternoon in the shed and got the new and unbroken interior plastic bits swapped over and am much happier looking at the thing now, so the remaining small 'to do' list is a bit smaller.
With that done, I wanted to look at TCVs.
There's a fair chunk of information, heresay and misinformation out there to consume about TCVs and Volvo 5cyl engines.

On my previous V70, I'd used a Pumaspeed/MAC TCV to replace the original Volvo Pieburg TCV and had a positive experience with it.
See https://ozvolvo.org/d/2801-2801/637 for reference.

Pumaspeed/AEM/Turbosmart all seem to use the same MAC valve and the most recent/current 'IPD HD TCV' seems to be the same as well.

The other maybe less common upgrade/alternative here is to use the Porsche Pieburg TCV. There's various discussions about advantages, disadvantages, etc, with no tangible detail.

So, to ease curiosity, I bought a new Porsche Pieburg TCV, a new Volvo Pieburg TCV and a MAC-branded MAC TCV/BCS

Today I swapped in a new Porsche Pieburg TCV.
Early observations were positive, seems to hold boost longer and a tiny flat spot I had low in the rpm range appears to have gone.
Of course, I'm currently comparing it to the 25+ yo original TCV.

So, the next task is to swap in a new Volvo Pieburg and then try out the MAC branded MAC TCV (though I'll need to get a Bosch/Volvo connector for it).

For reference, here's all three, in one pic -

MAC on top, Porsche Pieburg TCV (grey) on the lower left, Volvo Pieburg TCV (black) on the lower right.

I've always meant to ask the Instrument Fitters at work what they can do for me for a TCV, wish I still had contact at Festo as their stuff is quality and looked sexy back in the 2000s...

I have the IPD HD TCV (MAC one) and have not had any issues with it for the past few years. I do like how your giving them all a go just to see for comparison.

Be interesting to see if any difference between
the porka and volvo Pierberg.
I'm running the volvo Pierberg on mine , did try the ipd hd for a while .

    Which IPD HD one did you have? blue body or silver body?

    They change them? They had bad rap for long time.

      They did. Their early versions got a heap of flack in Volvo forum land - not sure if it was deserved or if the masses just wanted to beat them down. I dont have any actual experience with it.
      I thought they'd moved to the blue-bodied MAC version and the current version was just the same MAC valve everyone else (including Turbosmart and AEM) were using, just with an IPD sticker, but I just had a look at the IPD website and the silver bodied version is still in their marketing pics, so I have no idea. 🙂

      I changed from the ipd to Pierberg as it was spiking a little . Non with the Pierberg.
      The forge mbc was fun .

      7 months later

      It's been a little while since I've touched the V70 but I've been slowly getting more and more tired of the noisy PS pump.
      I bought the replacement ages ago and finally decided I'd do something about it this weekend…. while it's been 40+ deg here (makes perfect sense, right?).

      When I've scanned the car a few times previously, it's thrown a code for a coolant temp sensor issue on a couple of occasions, so I put a new genuine Volvo one aside too and figured I'd get it done at the same time as the PS pump.

      I've also had some pretty erratic ambient temp readings on the dash too, ranging from -4 deg through to 56 deg.
      So added that to the list as well.

      Despite having only done ~1500kms since it last had an oil change and a new filter, its been a bit over 12 months so figured I'd add that to the list too.

      I think both sensor issues could likely be the connectors on the loom, rather than the sensors themselves, but the new ones are, well, new and they come with a new sensor-side connector - this, at least could be half the problem. 🙂

      New PS pump done, clean oil and new filter, new coolant temp sensor, new ambiemt temp sensor and a good checkover all felt a bit overdue and I'm happy that they're done.

      I've noticed a RH inner driveshaft boot looks to have seen better days so that can go on the 'next time' list as it isnt a 'leak' yet or a proper split.

      A couple of new, overdue pics -

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      Looking awesome Ash! Can’t believe you did so much work on such a hot day though 🥵

      That’s interesting about the external temp sensor - mine have been wrong on 2 V70’s even after replacing the sensors… Have been fine on my 850’s & C70 though 🤷🏻

      Time for you to put some extra kms on the machine - enjoy all of your hard work!! 😆


        Remembering that wiring sheath and loom covers on P80 generation C70/S70/V70 are pretty terrible and crumble easily, the loom-side connector on the ambient temp sensor wasnt particularly nice - I took the wires and pins out of the connector, cleaned the pins with contact cleaner and cleaned the connector thoroughly as well before putting it back together with the new sensor.
        No really sure if the issue was genuinely the sensor or just bad connection, but it behaved itself on the drive this afternoon which is a good start.

        8 months later

        Not a heap to update here with a few days before a trip to Canberra - I've been driving it a bit more, its a got a couple of new stone chips, etc

        I had a wheel alignment done on the weekend and, aside from the tow being a little out and having the steering wheel angle corrected, my rather basic wheel alignment was pretty good and (other than the steering wheel), its not too much different.

        So, in short, other than preparing a little tool roll for travelling in it and buying a can of 'fix-a-flat' (I dont have a large enough spare wheel to clear the brakes), its been a fairly boring preparation exercise.

        Same boat Ash with no spare wheel big enough to go over the brakes , does play on my mind when driving..

          I remember when that ( or the like ) came out on the market . Looks good that one , I'll grab one this week 👍