Your privacy is important.
Oz Volvo will not give, sell, or disclose your private information to others under any circumstance, except to comply with the law (e.g. a Court Order), to defend ourselves against spammers or malicious users attempting to compromise the security of the website, or to report suspected illegal activity (e.g. users using Oz Volvo to plan a crime).
Oz Volvo continually strives to maintain the security of your private information both offline and online. The term "information" includes your e-mail address, your first and last used IP addresses, and any other information you supplied during registration that is not publicly viewable on your profile.
It is however important to be aware that when you voluntarily provide personal information in a forum post or comment, that information will not be protected by this privacy policy. For this reason, we strongly discourage the offering of personal details in any post you make. (We generally honour reasonable requests for deletion of information. Please contact one of the moderators listed at the end of this document for further help.)
In the event of legal threats or other threats made against Oz Volvo or its staff, the person(s) responsible for those threats is deemed to forfeit any right to privacy in relation to those threats.
What information do we gather?
All the information we gather is stored by Oz Volvo in a secure database, protected by firewalls and never shared with anyone, except where it might be required by Australian law (by Court Order or Police Warrant), or to prevent abuse of Oz Volvo.
To further protect your privacy, SSL encryption with HSTS is enforced across the entire website at all times.
Oz Volvo's servers are hosted in Australia by an Australian hosting service, ServerMule, who are answerable to the same laws as Oz Volvo.
We use a feature of your browser called a "cookie" to enable many critical features of our site. Cookies, by themselves, cannot be used to find out your identity or the identities of any of our users. It can only return information that we already have.
Specifically, per-session cookies are required to be able to remain signed in and use the features of Oz Volvo available to registered users.
"Permanent" cookies are only required if you select the option for Oz Volvo to "Remember me on this computer" when logging in.
Why do we gather information?
Oz Volvo aims to provide you with better services and more compelling reasons to come back and visit our site. The information you provide us with can personalise your experience, and help us provide information you are interested in receiving. We analyse what our users and customers like and don't like about the content, so that we can constantly improve them for your use.
Who can see information about me?
Currently, only @jamesinc (, the operator of Oz Volvo, has full access to all user information.
Limited controls to query users by e-mail address are provided to the Sunshine State Volvo Club so that the club can self-administer "SSVC" badges for their members.
Your e-mail address is not visible to any other user unless you explicitly make it visible in your profile settings page.
Please note that, like any online publisher, we cannot pre-emptively control your private information being published by another user. If this happens, flag the comment or contact a moderator directly.
Current moderators
- @jamesinc (also available via
- @Rob
- @AshDVS
- @egads
Deletion of personal information
Personally identifying information (your Oz Volvo user account) may be deleted on request. Once deleted, public comments made by your account on forum discussion threads will still be visible, however they will belong to "deleted user" and become anonymous.
You can request deletion of your user data at any time by either contacting one of the moderators listed above, or by e-mailing Oz Volvo directly at
Deletion of your user account is permanent and cannot be un-done. If you are returning to Oz Volvo after having your account deleted, you will need to create a new account.
Last revised: 25 September 2021