jamesinc Seconded. Rubber grease on the old o-ring also.
Tool for removing fuel tank bung plug
volvodriverman oh yeah it makes a huge difference, I didn't think to mention that. I use Herschell Red Rubber Grease. SCA have a home-brand version that I'm sure is fine too.
FCP Euro and ipd USA both sell a tool to remove the ring. Might be worth buying one as they're not too expensive. Shipping shouldn't be too expensive given you're in North America.
Okay, so ... looks like I've got a Skandix one.
Hello Major Ledfoot. Can you confirm that the Skandix tool fits the 140 (all of the compatible cars listed on the FCP site are 1978 240's and up)
I just spoke with FCP about this tool fitting the 140 tank and they could not help
Measure the ID and OD of your tank lock ring
1974Wagon Hello Major Ledfoot. Can you confirm that the Skandix tool fits the 140 (all of the compatible cars listed on the FCP site are 1978 240's and up)
I'll do that on Sunday when I get back home (& if it's stopped raining). 78+ tanks are different since the tanks for injected cars had a lift pump attached to the fuel level sender, but I can't recall if the lock ring is similar to the earlier ones prone to internal pipe corrosion and vapor lock.
Major Ledfoot The lock rings are similar but they are different diameters, the no-pump tank has a smaller opening.
Thanks for that. Very much appreciated. Good luck with the rain
74wagon Good luck with the rain
Thanks! And I did (with the lack thereof).
So, I tried fitting the Scandix-type tool on my 145's tank.....
(note bodgy K-Jet external fuel pump fitted, just so I could move the car)
.... and it fits on the 145's old fuel tank sender, without dramas.
That's fantastic. Thank you very much for doing that. I will go ahead and get myself one of those
Just became aware of this thread today and thought I'd throw my two-bobs worth in, I'm replacing the external and the in-tank pump on my 84' Estate and thought I'd jury-rig a tool to do the job despite being aware of the "alternative" arrangements circulating online. A quick once over with the vernier calipers and a trip to Bunnings yielded this little number
Crude but efficient, got rid of my welder years ago but still have the oxy which enabled me to form the bent tabs, I'll just throw a big adjustable spanner on the end of the bracket overhang to get leverage when turning….
Thanks for posting Porkchop. Not much of a welder myself, but I know a man who can…
- Edited
The joy of this arrangement is that you only need to have bolts securing the two sections (heavy duty shelving brackets) so no welder needed, you could try cold-bending the tabs but likely to crack them hence the oxy….
St.Nick good trick St Nick. i would suggest using a brass drift anywhere near fuel, to reduce risk of sparks caused by metal on metal.
74wagon a brass drift / chisel is safest - using steel on steel can easily make a spark but a brass device negates that risk. some nice tools suggested / made here. gotta love OzVolvo!