Hello All. My fuel sender has never worked and now, as I am looking into all the little niggles, it seems time to try and make it function. I have had the bung plug out before but only when I had the whole tank out for refurbishment. (Used the old cold chisel and rubber hammer method then). Now that the tank is back in the car it seems that I need to use a tool to get the plug and sender out again. In the green book it specifies this thing…(sorry about the blur
I have tried all the usual places over here (CVR, IPD etc) but nobody can source the tool. Does anyone have any ideas where I could get one? Or has anyone made their own tool? The plug is just about 3 inches in diameter and I was wondering about trying to rig something up by cutting notches out of some 3 inch ABS pipe and using that with a long screwdriver through holes on opposite sides for torque. Any ideas or wisdom gratefully received. Thanks.