Time to replace a few bits of vacuum hose and work thropugh the evaporation vapour lines. Good for me as I had a chance to learn how the evap vapour/vapor system works. That boy racer silicon hose is OK if there's an overall theme but a bit naff if used in only a couple of places.
Current set up. Blue silicon on the FPR. Garden hose to 2mm(?) plastic bend to 6.5mm vapour hose, 3mm blue silicon hose for evap vacuum waving in the wind.
Off to Repco for some replacements. I believe they are 3mm & 6.5mm, I just hand them a sample and asked for 2 metres of each.
First step replace the fuel pressure reg hose.
Next step. Drop the evaporative canister. Three x 10mm bolts holding it in. All bolts were liberally covered with sound deadener which required a lot of scraping to get a good working surface.
How it works courtesy of Tubobrick forum. New to me. Fuel tank vapours end up venting to the canister. Vacuum from the throttle body opens a small purge valve that allows to vapour to be burned. It's sort of the same principle as a Zippo lighter
Drop the canister. Blanked off "Air" nozzle, tank vapour line (middle), throttle body lines (right)
Pull off the hoses. Lot's of sound deadener & a couple of mud wasp nests. Rochester part number 17056292 AM Volvo part 1276694. Made by Rochester USA and no longer available. I did a few checks around and the canister is no longer made but is very similar to Torana, Kingswood and Commodore canisters at the time.
Type RB30 available at Vintage Commodore part 17075847-FX looks like it will do the same job.
Scraped off some of the deadener & the wasp nests. First thoughts it was a later patch up but it looks factory. The galvanised frame was well preserved underneath. So I didn't go too hard after realizing 1/2 way through I'd probably hit it with deadener again.
Anyway, it cleaned up a little better than before, I wasn't going for a show look and will hit it with some deadener again anyway. The purge valve was working with a quick suck through some hose. I pried off the bottom of the canister and there was some intact fibre material. Looked OK with a slight whiff of fuel.
Removed and threaded through the new 6.5mm purge vapour line. The vacuum line to the evap cannister looks like a 1mm air line, and there's a 3mm air line & nipple on the throttle body. I was worried that it should be 1mm or 3mm hose all the way but it looks like Volvo went a short length of 3mm hose (part 16) that fitted over the 1mm line. So I just did the same…..but not in blue silicon hose.
Connected all the hoses and poked it back up there.
Engine bay looks a little better. Looks like I missed a small blue vacuum hose coming off the rear of inlet manifold. I'll remedy that today
I'll pull the canister out again to replace the oversize 38 year old zip ties. It looks like the deadener has preserved them pretty well. But I didn't have any that large around.