jamesinc Still need a grille sash

I knew there was a reason I didn't throw this out. Phase 2 grille missing a tooth. Gave the sash a quick polish and it comes up nice. Take the whole grille if you like or just the sash. I can drop it round if you like. I owe you for a few stickers and sunglasses!

I'm assuming the Phase 1 & 2 sashes are the same.

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They definitely look the same, I'll check the part numbers. But yes, that would be amazing!

a month later

Hmmmm, noticing a fuel smell coming from the tank area lately, I don't think it's the filler cap, and it's definitely not coming from the engine bay.

I don't know much about S40 fuel systems, any likely suspects?

7 days later

Hey look at that! It's a Volvo again……… πŸ™‚

Nice to see the T4 once more, it seems to be "that little bit better" each time I see it.

Got a photo of the new parcel shelf speakers too, stereo sounds much better now!

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a month later

I have put stock control arms back in:
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I've also replaced the tie rods, ends, and bellows:

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Doing the bellows was such a hassle, it's really hard to get enough access to pull the rubber boots over the ends of the rack body.

2 months later

ORIGINAL (stamped 1999) transmission mount replaced

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New one from Skandix:

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It made a bigger difference than I expected, even with those polyurethane engine mounts the NVH is pretty minimal. Torque steer under hard acceleration has improved although that is not so surprising.

5 days later

I took the AC centre vents out and repaired all the cracked and broken fascia, I kept all the pieces that had fallen off so it's now in one piece again. I used JB Weld, and I've been sick the last few days so it got time to well and truly cure fully.

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The controls were all creaky so I gave them all a tiny spot of MX6 grease. Turns out this unit was the source of all the interior rattles, the cabin experience is pretty nice now!

The radio antenna also got stuck in the up position, after going through everything, it turns out the head unit is the problem, it's holding the antenna trigger at 12V at all times, I'm assuming there is a power transistor inside that has failed with low impedance but that is pure speculation. It is the cheapest wireless Android Auto headunit on Aliexpress so not completely shocked!

I thought those carbon fibre centre vents would be stronger than the normal ones πŸ™‚

    johna I'm sure they would be if Volvo actually used carbon fibre in them πŸ˜‚

    I bought a LHD S40 wiper linkage assembly (Volvo part 30850294), and then butchered it for parts in an attempt to improve my RHD assembly. This actually went really well, but it required a bit of work.

    Originally I was going to write an article for this, but I lost almost all the photos πŸ˜‘ so here is a condensed version.

    The original spindle mounts (seen below) were a simple plastic assembly with the spindles themselves having a recess in the middle to hold grease and reduce friction. The new assembly, the LHD one, had no such recess in the spindles, but the spindle mounts instead were bored larger, and had bushings pressed in at both ends. The OD and length of the spindles is the same in both instances, but the LHD spindle mounts are angled differently (a mirror image basically). This means you can't use them, but you can use them for parts πŸ™‚

    So I tore everything down and mounted my original RHD spindle mounts to the lathe, using a snug fit drill bit to centre them (you can't see it but it's what the chuck is holding), and using a bolt and a cable tie as a drive dog.

    machining Volvo S40 wiper spindle sleeves

    Don't hate on me for my shadetree lathe setup but it worked fine for this operation.

    I then just bored them to match the LHD bores, and pressed the bushings in. This worked great, one of them was not as interference as I would have liked so I used a bit of perma-loctite to keep the bushing in place. It probably didn't need it but I don't want any risk of the bushing spinning in the mount.

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    Looking at the above photo of a LHD assembly, I was able to take the linkage that runs between the two spindles, as well as the rubber dust boots that sit behind the ball joints (mine were failing or missing entirely).

    I used Sachs high performance grease as that seemed very similar to what Volvo used.

    I re-used the original thrust washers and wave washers as the new assembly used slightly thicker ones and it would mean having to shorten the spindles on the lathe which seemed excessive given the old hardware was fine. I also took the o-ring and circlip from the new assembly.

    In the end it all worked really well! The spindles have no side-to-side play and feel just like they did on the new linkages, before I tore them apart.