Oh wow, a year has gone by since I did anything on this LOL! When my parents were here in Nov/Dec, my dad helped me start pulling bits off the gold wagon, including the exhaust, tail shaft. radiator, fan, etc. Today I started pulling apart the donor 740T engine. I pulled the distributor out (anyone need a good used 740 distributor complete? I'll put it in the For Sale area). Also removed inlet manifold and pulled the front mount distributor blanking plug. To mu surprise and delight the intermediate shaft has the distributor gear machined on it, so I guess they either used the machined shafts on the reco engines so they could be used in 740T and 240T, or it was just pot luck as to what parts they used. I haven't gotten the engine on my engine stand yet, but once I do I'll pull the oil pan and see whether it has skinny or 13 mm rods. I'm hoping for the latter, but not too fussed really. I see looking back at this thread that I've had the donor engine since August 2004, so this August it will be 20 years! Maybe I'll have it done by then? Doubt it though as I work slow and we've also got a 5-week trip to USA via Japan before August, plus the National Rally prep is chewing up some of my time too. 🙂