Got quite a bit done yesterday. Had similar issues with the gearbox driveshaft mating flange as I ran into on the yellow 245 project car. The bolt holes in the flange were slightly too small for the bolts…so had to drill those out, then the diameter of the area forward of the flange is larger so the large nuts wouldn't fit…had to install bolts with nuts facing rearward. Not sure what or when things changed, but Volvo did some strange things with these flanges and bolts over the years. I think I also had to take a bit of material off on the recessed area inside the flange to allow the driveshaft protruding part to slip in there, but I had done that months ago when I was test fitting the flange to the driveshaft front section. Also had to swap the good original 1991 centre bearing onto the short M46 driveshaft section as both M46 driveshaft sections I have in stock had bad bearings. I hadn't ordered a new bearing - DOH!
Also got the clutch bled, wheels & tyres reinstalled and shifted car forward (off the hoist) so we could get the dash and interior reinstalled.
Today we'll be working in the engine bay on hoses, wiring, fluids etc.
PS: Yes, I could have replaced the u-joint and cleaned and painted the shaft, but I'm NOT my dad (thank dog for that!)