Sent numerous emails to Selholm themselves in Swedish and English but have not gotten a response for a month. Wondering if anyone has one they are willing to part with or someone can put me in contact with someone who can get me one.


(Selholm website doesn’t let me ship to AUS)

    ljk346 changed the title to WTB Selholm Short Shifter for M47 240 .

    ljk346 Was going to suggest this post but I realised you've already seen it.

    I managed to find a few different options I've never seen before which might interest you:

    And all of these sites that sell what seem to be either the Sellholm shifter or the Aliexpress one or something very similar:

    Hope that helps 😊

      pieboyfresh just went through every one of the links and tried to checkout but none post to australia. Same problem as Sellholm website

        Sellholm did post to Australia for me but I had to email them. If they're not replying maybe something has changed there 🤔

        ljk346 Damn, worth a try I guess.

        I wonder if any of the others would be willing to do it if you emailed them.