@Sunshine 245 If it is a potentiometer type TPS, as @nugget_940 mentioned it may be a case of re-setting the fully closed and fully open positions again in TunerStudio.
Microsquirts have a single wire tach output to run a gauge which you should be able to connect to the cluster tacho and it will "just work." TunerStudio also has a tach gauge in the software which displays based on whatever timing sensors you have (crank trigger).
It looks like this car was originally LH2.2 and for a crank trigger the previous owner has connected the factory hall sensor that's built into the distributor up to the Microsquirt.
The MAP sensor (looks like a GM one) is cable-tied to the firewall brace on the passenger's side.
My guess is the Microsquirt is currently only being used for fuel but maybe check where the wires leading to your coil go.
Also if this is who I think it is: hope you're doing well - haven't seen you in ages!!
I'm still in Perth and have just wired my car up with a Microsquirt so I have a bit of knowledge on it, although am definitely not an expert, and it isn't driving yet, but if you need any advice let me know