
  • Dec 4, 2024
  • Joined Aug 29, 2017
  • 0 best answers
  • @Sunshine 245 If it is a potentiometer type TPS, as @nugget_940 mentioned it may be a case of re-setting the fully closed and fully open positions again in TunerStudio.

    Microsquirts have a single wire tach output to run a gauge which you should be able to connect to the cluster tacho and it will "just work." TunerStudio also has a tach gauge in the software which displays based on whatever timing sensors you have (crank trigger).

    It looks like this car was originally LH2.2 and for a crank trigger the previous owner has connected the factory hall sensor that's built into the distributor up to the Microsquirt.

    The MAP sensor (looks like a GM one) is cable-tied to the firewall brace on the passenger's side.

    My guess is the Microsquirt is currently only being used for fuel but maybe check where the wires leading to your coil go.

    Also if this is who I think it is: hope you're doing well - haven't seen you in ages!!
    I'm still in Perth and have just wired my car up with a Microsquirt so I have a bit of knowledge on it, although am definitely not an expert, and it isn't driving yet, but if you need any advice let me know 🙂

  • The only ones I can think of are from a 700/900.

    As a "bolt-in" you could opt for a newer starter, alternator or aircon compressor as they can be quite a bit smaller in size/more powerful/more efficient.

    Otherwise most upgrades would require some sort of modification to fit, for example STS Machining make a centre support bearing adapter so you can fit one from a 700/900 to a 200 as they are a bit sturdier. From memory it is possible to fit 740 front suspension/coilovers to a 240 but I can't remember who makes the adapter kit.

  • VolvoHordz Oh geez that does sound pretty involved. Because there was no way the rails that came on the seat were going to work I threw them out, using the stock ones seemed like the the only logical option 😁

  • 240_bh I changed my drivers seat for this old SAAS one, I used the stock rails, bolted some flat bar across them and then bolted the seats to the flat bar.

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    • ljk346 Damn, worth a try I guess.

      I wonder if any of the others would be willing to do it if you emailed them.

    • ljk346 Was going to suggest this post but I realised you've already seen it.

      I managed to find a few different options I've never seen before which might interest you:

      And all of these sites that sell what seem to be either the Sellholm shifter or the Aliexpress one or something very similar:

      Hope that helps 😊

      • Alan Stoker Automotives in Malaga is supposed to be pretty good, not sure how he goes with newer Volvos but I know he is quite knowledgeable with older ones.

        Volvo in Osborne Park aren't supposed to be too bad but probably not as cheap as some of the other smaller shops that are around.

        Have heard mixed reviews about Eurotech Autohaus in Bayswater, my manager had his BMW door locks replaced there and it was fine and some Volvo people swear by them, but other Volvo people have had some issues - botched clutch replacement, damaged interior when doing another job.

        Andy (Polestar Technic) was pretty good but I think he has returned to working FIFO rather than continuing that business.

        Hope that helps 🙂

        • Spac Glad to hear it, that's quite a story!
          It seems like quite a lot of people have owned it over the years so I'm not surprised.
          I'm pretty stoked that it never ended up being scrapped and even more so that i'm able to own it 😊

        • Thanks jamesinc I think so too!! I'm very keen to drive it again 😁

          Roinik sorry I meant it was a B230F short motor, the M40 or M41 (not sure which) is original to the car. Interesting, I believe this carburetor came on a B23A out of a late 240 originally so I would have thought it should be perfect considering they were both 2.3 litre engines but who knows - either way I don't have the magic touch with carburettors 🤣

          Wow that must have been a bloody stunning car, I bet it did!

        • Seems like I'm incapable of posting about a car when I first buy it and it's even getting worse because this one I've been working on for more than 2 years already 🤣

          It's a terrific 1975 Volvo 242 DL, with a B230F swap and an M40/M41. I aim to also make it at least a little bit terrifying with some tasteful modifications, hence the name Terror II as I'm inspired by the spirit of Mikael Karlsson's B21ET tractor, Terror.

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          The previous owner Thomas moved to Finland and was planning to hold onto it in case he ever came back but plans changed as they often do. It has had many owners over the years, the first of which won it in a raffle!

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          The original B21A had seen better days and seemed to have pretty worn rings as it was using lots of oil, although it started it barely ran. As a result, Thomas had organised a B230F with fairly low kms from a late model 740, which came with the car. Here they both are in all their glory:

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          I swapped the engine in at his family's place up in Chidlow with a bit of help from his brother Brandon and some of my mates, over about 6 weekends. While I was at it I threw some service parts at it - seals, water pump, tensioner, belts, leads, cap, rotor, etc. and a new radiator as it still had the original one which was falling to bits.

          Unfortunately after a few drives the fan decided to fall off the front of the engine (even though it was definitely tight) and punch a hole in the new radiator. So I got another new radiator and this time installed a Davies Craig electric fan and controller which was a lot more successful.

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          Also unfortunately it turned out that the head on the B230 was corroded and after around 10 or so drives decided to make itself known. So I decided to get it fully restored and then put it back on the car.

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          After doing this for some reason I started having issues with the Stromberg 175CD-2SE that was on the car, no matter what I did it wouldn't start. I decided to rebuild the carby and with a bit of tweaking I got it running reasonably okay but not "well". I managed to successfully take it out to Classic Cars and Coffee at UWA once in March but had some issues getting the carby to cooperate while I was there, for some reason it was refusing to start. I tried and tried and couldn't figure it out.

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          As a result of all the issues with the carby I decided it was time to convert the car to EFI instead. I had already been thinking about this for a while and figured I might as well do it properly so that I can tune the car to work with future modifications. I'll do another post running through all the progress there soon as there's quite a bit to cover.

        • If you guys manage to find the part number for the correct throttle cable please let me know as I'm in search of the same thing 🙂

        • Not far off the close of this era - I've had an '04 CR-V as a daily/weekend camper for 3 or 4 months now and the wagon has been filling in as my roommate's temporary daily because his E30 blew a head gasket, but have been putting feelers out and finally someone's coming to have a look this Saturday.

          I ended up having to replace the rear trailing arm bushings and the pedalbox recently as both were a lot worse for wear, and have done a few things to tidy it up (including removing all the stickers 😭)

          The last 4 and a half years of ownership have been great, I'm very lucky to have had such a reliable and charming car.

          I'll always be thankful to the previous owner Warick who did me a great deal knowing I had just crashed my 244 and seeing my passion for the car. I won't forget that kindness and make sure I pass what I can onto other irresponsible young petrolhead(s) someday 😁

        • I've had pretty similar experience dealing with Josh from YoshiFab.

          Haven't ever ordered anything complicated from STS which is likely why I haven't experienced such a lengthy delay but they aren't exactly quick to ship even simple stuff that i've ordered…

          I concur with what @serk and @Ex850R mentioned about one man bands, I think it's just how it goes 🤷

        • 240 Also +1 for Sandwood Trading
          One I haven't seen here but I might not be looking hard enough is Bakaxeldelar - they do all sorts of stuff, mainly for 2/7/9 series, but their specialty is differentials (bak axels) and driveshafts.