ramrod Would that be a steering wheel for airbag cars? If that part number 3516352 is correct, that steering wheel takes an airbag (1993 240 with airbag option)

Damn!!!!! Well spotted. You are correct. Yet another to add to the incorrectly ordered parts list.


I was hoping I would be wrong.

Also, new non airbag steering wheels are no longer available

a month later

Update over Christmas. Big Red didn't have much work on it. I can usually tell by the amount of RED pics on my phones photo list. Anyway, took her for a quick loop to Wiseman's Ferry. She was surprisingly agile, it was a lot of fun. No pics…

My Benz was on loan to my step daughter with some pretty strict conditions. I really haven't missed it much as I've been using the V40 on the really hot days as the A/C is a bit more robust…..240 for the fun days.

Step daughter got the C280 washed before return, car wash guys shattered the rear screen.

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Rear screen repaired and took the C280 for a run up to Newcastle & got a shot of the stable while they were all sort-of clean.

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Big Red took me on an early morning photo shoot around the new Western Sydney Airport and the massive development around the area..

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Got the dates screwed up for some work at Voltek in December. Rebooked for last Thurday. Headed off with a boot full of spare parts including a Black Friday alternator from FCP. Battery light came on, Big Red sputtered and stopped. It was pissing down. Had to get a NRMA tow from a right hand turn bay on Mamre raod. The emergency flasher got faster and fater antil the battery died. Issue was a broken wire on the alternator. Arrived at Voltek 3 hours late.

Couple of simple jobs have turned out problematic for Stu. Rear brake lines were 'crumbling away" when fitting the new brake hoses. Front shock inserts were all cross threaded and thread were ripped off. So currently taking up valuable real estate at Stu's shop. Should be back soon with some pics.

And things have come full circle. Big Red makes it to Rolling Magazine (top right). I'm feeling kinda chuffed today. There's a judge trying to look inside at the black interior through the dark tint. Next show I'll roll down the windows.

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It's come full circle. I picked up Big Red on Easter Tuesday 2024, had it for a day and flew to Adelaide to my parent's place. They introduced me to a guy over the road in the S.A. club who had a maroon 240. He gave me a copy of his Rolling magazine to read on the trip home. Never thought I'd grace the pages!

6 days later

Big Red gets some work done at Stu Oldfield's workshop, Voltek.

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Up on the hoist. Stu makes it look good underneath. He installed the new Skandix splash pan using the kit supplied by James, it fitted up nicely.

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New rubber bushes in the middle and at the end links of front sway bar, new bump stop and bellows, and new front brake hoses. The front shock threads were flogged out from a previous fit-out so a new set of KYB front shocks were also fitted.

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The new splash pan looks the part and sway bar bushes.

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New front ball joints.

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New rear brake hoses. The hoses supplied by IPD were male instead of female on the originals, so Stu was just going to reverse the fitting on the brake line side. The brake line was crumbly when he was flaring them out…..so a new rear brake line was also fitted. Should get many more years of use.

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New brake hose to brake line bracket.

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Shot of the the new lines this morning.

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Overall, the front feels tighter and a lot more "European" in character. Firm and direct with none of the slight sloppiness before. Quite a lot more connected. Took it for a run with some badly patched and corrugated roads around Western Sydney Airport and was very pleased with Stu's work.

    I think brake hoses that have one male end are for early 240s, maybe pre-86?


      Could be, it wouldn't be the first time I've ordered an incorrect part! 🙂 IPD had them listed as suiting '78-93 pre ABS.

      Johnno_ Keep up the the updates Johnno, I find them both stimulating and envy-evoking 🙂


        Thank you very much. For purely selfish reasons, it's also serving as a useful journal. I was scrolling through the post on my phone at work, trying to get to the bottom post and realised I've done that….and that….and that…..while skimming through it.

        5 days later

        A quick wash and then off to the "Old School Jap and Euro Back to School Meet" at Emu Plains this morning. Fun event, lots of cool, interesting and unexpected cars. I really enjoy getting out of the house and attending these sort of events early on a Sunday. Get an eyeful of candy and then go home early enough to do other things.

        Duco is shiny but I did not treat the bumper :-(

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        Parked up next to Justin's FRY-244. Beautiful work on this including the 5.0 GMH V8. Got to meet him when we were leaving. His sounded better!

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        Side shot.

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        Zac's "Banana". I didn't catch up with him, but good to see the turbo Skyline powered sleeper again.

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        Couple of GTRs just laying around.

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        Survivor Sigma

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        My neighbour on the other side.

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        Mazda goodness

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        Mk 2 Golf GTI

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        One day I'll have one of these.

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        Lots of E30 Beemers.

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        24 days later

        Last Sunday headed up the hill to Mountains Cars and Coffee at Katoomba.

        I somehow found myself in amongst a group of 911s on a run up the M4. they turned off up Mulgoa Road.

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        At Katoomba, arrived right on time and got one of the last parking spots in the top car park.

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        Lovely stock series 1 RX-7

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        Jensen Interceptor had a Nitrous Oxide system fitted.

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        1200 Mazda ute interested me more than the Moffat RX-7.

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        Renault 12 wagon.

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        People began to leave, I took another look around and suddenly there was a grey 940 sedan with a very nice "patina" parked next to mine in the recently vacated spot. Late arrival of Aaron from the Lower Mountains with his wife and kids.

        Another sleeper with a nice T04 turbo addition under the hood. Really nice to meet him and see some of his fabrication work at his workshop near Penrith. I didn't get a shot of his engine bay.

        It was kinda cool being the two old Volvo guys…… not in the best condition and not making the photo galleries but still getting regular & reliable use. It's a great budget way to get you foot in the door to some of these events.

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        14 days later

        Looking good, will you put the reflective stripes on front and rear bumper?


          Not sure with refelctive strips. Maybe the back.

          Getting her ready for the NSW Volvo Club Show and Shine for tomorrow. Much Carnauba!

          4 Hours on Thursday messing around with tailgate electrics. I had the LHS wiring loom out as the central locking had gone spotty. Turned out being the actuator self destructing from the inside and jamming. Wiper motor is not zero-ing properly so I'll probably need another one of those too.

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            Looking very shiny there.
            I replaced the boot wiring loom on my old 240. Definitely worth doing or maybe you've already done this? Enjoy the show :-)