Done the one on the fuel pump now thinking the rail sensor on the end of the common rail
What’s the bets on the pressure rail sensor being the problem please reply with your odds on a 1-10 basis 0 being not a hope in hell or 10 being problem solved!
It’s the common fault
Well fingers crossed then !
Dose anyone know if the diesel motor has a fuel control module or a relay ? Got to the point of not having a clue what is going on with it
Replaced so far :
Maf sensor
Rail pressure sensor
Pressure control valve in pump
In tank pump
Done fuel leak of test
Now wondering if it has a fuel control module
It runs fine for a few miles then lacks power and now cuts out and won’t restart for about 5 minutes after it cuts out it will turn over very fast due to no fuel being available to compress then a few minutes later it will turn over normally then start and run for a few minutes before cutting out again [](https://)
Pissedofvolvoowner does it throw codes?
jamesinc in the original post @Pissedofvolvoowner mentioned 2520, 2530, 2590 and 25A0 but not sure if those are still the ones coming up now that even more parts have been replaced or if there are now less/different codes
Many be worth getting it checked out using VIDA - DICE software, you can monitor all sorts of key parameters in real time, really helpful, apart from the fact that there is a lot more detail regarding codes.
New codes are 2550 25c0 these have came up since it has started to cut out completely and loose all fuel pressure give it five minutes and it will start again at a loss really
The original problem was it would once you reset the codes drive like a good one for several miles then go through a loss of power but still drive for miles lacking power now on replacing many parts reset codes and it will drive for several miles then cut out loosing all fuel when you try to start it just has that really fast turning over ie no fuel to compress then leave it for five minutes and it will start again and rev out but won’t drive for more than a mile if that before cutting out again and leaving it again for five minutes or so and it does the same thing over and over again like it does it once it gets hot or something
Had a Vida print out by a Volvo specialist done then he reset the codes and thought it was fixed And charged £400 for it crazy !
Yes that’s way to much.
That's a silly amount of money to charge, better to have a copy yourself. Since I got one over 10 years ago, I haven't looked back, pays for itself over and over again. Good luck with your problem.
Cheers I may have to get it
VIDA and Dice may still be on Aliexpress.
Many thanks ill take a look
Pissedofvolvoowner Not sure if the person who reset the codes told you but I did some research and those two you mentioned apparently mean the following:
2550 -- Front heated oxygen sensor, bank 2 -- Faulty signal
25C0 -- Front heated oxygen sensor, bank 2 -- Faulty signal
Do Dweasels have oxygen sensors??
Many thanks I’ll look into it
Major Ledfoot
I don’t know I’ll do some research