• Events
  • [NSW] Oz Volvo's 10th Birthday cruise

I’m coming down for that weekend!! Bringing Baz with me!!

9 days later
6 days later

Can I come in the 110? Dont currently have a Volvo sadly. Its probably slower than than a 77 245 DL

I'm also doing an event sticker for all you sticker afficionados (me). Donations toward the costs are always appreciated but I will be handing them out on the day to everyone who takes part in the cruise!

14 days later

Hey all, if you are coming to the BBQ at the end of the cruise, can you like this post in the FB event? https://www.facebook.com/events/6881159875232304/?post_id=7098248036856819&view=permalink

If you are not on Facebook, you can reply here with the number of seats you want. Just make sure you either reply on Facebook OR here but not both!

    20 days later

    Hey all, if you are coming to the BBQ at the end of the cruise, can you like this post in the FB event? https://www.facebook.com/events/6881159875232304/?post_id=7098248036856819&view=permalink

    If you are not on Facebook, you can reply here with the number of seats you want. Just make sure you either reply on Facebook OR here but not both!

    Unfortunately, I'm out. :(

    (mentioned here since I'd put a 'like' on the Farcebook post before before the unfortunate change of plan)

    6 days later

    Reminder that this is THIS SATURDAY! I was originally going to bring my white 244 but I don't want to go long-distance with the overdrive in its current state, so I will bring the carb turbo 240 instead :) RIP my fuel budget


      Reminder that this is THIS SATURDAY! I was originally going to bring my white 244 but I don't want to go long-distance with the overdrive in its current state, so I will bring the carb turbo 240 instead :) RIP my fuel budget

      I'm bringing the 245 which is LH2.4 turbo. It will be like the extreme ends of the Volvo turbo development program for redblocks in the same place!


      I washed Amy but still need to clean the glass and give it some wax.



        I washed Amy but still need to clean the glass and give it some wax.



        Anyone living near Belconnen district,Canberra heading to 10th birthday rally tomorrow..I need as small tool picked up.


        What a great day it was! Everything came together nicely, and the turnout was awesome. I need to go through all the photos, check in tomorrow I should have them all uploaded

        Lol Penny took this great photo

        On our way out of Hartley, this is me sitting at the front of the queue, watching my side mirror with a pair of binoculars, watching for the last Volvo to make the right turn onto the GWH so we could all proceed as a group. It totally worked too, I think we had an uninterrupted line of 25 Volvos going down the highway!

        I don't want to spam this thread with 875MB of photo data, so photos are available:

        On Oz Volvo's Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.668591915304148&type=3On Google Photos: https://photos.app.goo.gl/XDiKXkuRbqYFD8DA8

        A couple of my favourites

        Attendance was 25+ cars (we had a couple join and leave at various points along the cruise).