Sydney is out of the range for me. Melbourne, country VIC or Tasmania is my limit.
I'm not asking anyone to pull an engine down, hone, assemble and compression test.
That's beyond the realm of most.
If someone has an engine, that is from a project, done up. That's a go! I'm prepared to pay accordingly.
An engine which has been sitting undercover, or in a car, (provided it was stored reasonably)
and turns over will give an indication. A compression test takes a short time.
An engine which hasn't been run in a long time, more than a few years, without being stored properly
is unlikely to be in the condition I'm seeking. Not impossible, just unlikely.
I'm not looking to take a punt, or a guess. Unless what you're offering is gratis, or close to it.
Please, if you have an engine available that fits the criteria or may do, phone, text message or post here.
Yes, I'll pay for it, pick up quickly if the sight of it is irking you. I have a limited time window.