Hi all, just an update to say that the order is in and I will send you all DMs with payment details etc shortly.

- 8 hours ago
- Joined Sep 23, 2014
- 2 best answers
Okay sorry everyone, I had to rejig the order as couple people contacted me elsewhere and I've only just caught up on the other orders.
- @Rory I've added your brake hoses
- @Brad I've added those two gaskets
- @Phoenix eVolv I have added most but not all of your items, as I've hit the cost ceiling. I was not able to include the ICV or the tail lamps. The following items will be ordered:
- 8 x Skandix 1048879 (beige door opener frame)
- 1 x Skandix 1016189 (antenna)
Group buy is now full!
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The group buy is just about full now with 6 people @ €17.42 each for shipping.
If you have any tiny orders (10-20 euro tops) and drop the links here this afternoon, I can probably still accommodate it. Otherwise, I'll place the order tonight.
Just rec'd a refurbed/ overhauled Steering rack back from the professionals 'Active Power Steering' in Sydney.
Looks as good as new being the 4th Volvo rack off different models I've had refurbed by them over the years.
The kit number is PSR 825 and suits a range of later 700 series and 940 / 960 models 1991-1994 Volvo 740/760.
Attached is a pic of particular models for the 825 kit Active use.
2025 price is $576, nothing beats the feeling of a fresh rack.
Thanks that is great to know, I'll pick up one of the seals, and cheers for updating the post for me, happy to rebuild with a seal
Had another go at bleeding the clutch today (manual method without pressure bleeded. Got some air out and total travel at the fork is 15 mm. I don't want to fire up the engine to check it just now so we'll see. I know when I was having clutch issues on the yellow 245 project car, it was travelling about 13 mm, and after bleeding I had about 20 mm travel, so this car isn't showing as much travel. Maybe still some air in the pipe so I might have to bleed it with the pressure bleeder + pedal method.
Got the bonnet reinstalled today, and also ordered some new studs and nuts for the downpipe flange. Ordered a stud removal tool as well. Not looking forward to removing the nuts and downpipe to get at the stud, and also not looking forward to trying to remove the studs, as I dread breaking one off. Fingers crossed it goes OK.
Got the GCP 240 Turbo exhaust system down from the top of my shelf unit and will start installing that while I wait for the studs and tool.
Did a bit of tidy-up on the wiring under the bonnet as well. I need to figure out how to get a pod filter in temporarily. Will have to retrieve my huge tub of turbo pipes and bits and see what I can come up with. Currently the MAF (which is ~70 mm OD) is attached directly to the turbo inlet elbow (which is obviously ~70 mm ID).
Also did a bit more research on cooling fans and relays…plenty of info on OzVolvo and Dave Barton's site about it…looks like easiest thing might be to use the ECU outputs and a 940/850 relay complete with wiring, if I can find it.
Spal appears to make brushless cooling fans that draw a lot less current, but pricey.
Had a clean-up in the workshop. Need to box up the unneeded parts and take them over to the storage shed to reclaim some space in the workshop.
Big day today! We pushed through and got all the hoses hooked up, coolant reservoir mounted and filled the coolant. Sort of temporarily installed the downpipe (one of the three studs is pretty stripped so probably will have to remove and replace). Not sure the downpipe is going to fit 100% but it doesn't look too bad (Classic Swede version).
Woohoo - the engine fired up after about 20 seconds of cranking. Sounds and runs great as far as I can tell. Of course the clutch isn't working properly (probably need to bleed it again - hopefully that's all it is!) The clutch fork is moving when I press the pedal, but the pedal feels pretty soft. Mom and Dad fly home on Wednesday so I think Dad and I are done working on the car for now…we need a break!
After catching up on @morch_66479 's 850 T-5R thread, I'm ashamed at how many corners I'm cutting or just saying "good enough" instead of cleaning every speck of grease off the gearbox, painting the driveshaft, and replacing every fastener with a brand new shiny one LOL!
I got a bodged solution to the upper intercooler/radiator mounts (temporary until I figure out something prettier). I used the standard 240 radiator mounts for the intercooler (trimmed off about 5 mm on the rear ends) and standard 740 radiator mounts for the intercooler, piggybacked off the 240 radiator mounts. It all fits pretty well, was simple to do, and looks terrible (but works). Also modified the cooling fan position (spacers to move it forward in car) to clear the nose of the water pump. Ready to install hoses, top up coolant, install downpipe and O2 sensor and try starting it.
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These guards were an optional extra when buying a T-5R. They're NLA but I managed to source a NOS set from Tradera.
They've been sitting in my stock as I waited for the stone protection to arrive from GCP.
I finally received all the parts and installed.Only issue I encountered was the speed nuts that came with the guards didn't work - too short and the holes didn't align. I sourced correct size speed nuts to complete install.
Got the belts tightened after swapping PS pump bracket adjuster (I've changed to the integral reservior pump set-up from a 93 240 so had to piece together the brackets to suit). Patched in a longer MAF harness and routed that over to where the MAF will sit. Got my 850 (?) fan mounted to the 740T shroud with an interfacing bit from the 850 shroud. Then put intercooler and radiator in position, only to find the brackets from the 740T would never be able to work (I thought you could just cut a notch in them for the bump in the 240 front panel, but the mounting surface is way too high on the 740 brackets). So, back to square one on that - looking at making one bracket from two (nose of 240 bracket and back end of 740T bracket). Really should cut and weld, but may see if I can overlap and join them somehow? Otherwise I'll just source an "expensive" set of genuine 240T intercooler/radiator mounts (probably easier given I have more money than patience at this point in life!) Then put radiator shroud and fan in place and DAMN, the fan is just about touching the water pump pulley. So back to the drawing board on that (maybe some spacers to move the fan slightly closer to the radiator will be an easy "fix"). Still haven't decided what I will use to control the fan - I have a Davies-Craig fan controller, but haven't looked at instructions yet to see whether it's capable of doing 2 speeds. Need to make up an airflow block-out panel to close gap between LH side of intercooler and radiator support (where the OE oil cooler would sit, and may sit in future?) Fun, games and plenty of cursing today!
Got quite a bit done yesterday. Had similar issues with the gearbox driveshaft mating flange as I ran into on the yellow 245 project car. The bolt holes in the flange were slightly too small for the bolts…so had to drill those out, then the diameter of the area forward of the flange is larger so the large nuts wouldn't fit…had to install bolts with nuts facing rearward. Not sure what or when things changed, but Volvo did some strange things with these flanges and bolts over the years. I think I also had to take a bit of material off on the recessed area inside the flange to allow the driveshaft protruding part to slip in there, but I had done that months ago when I was test fitting the flange to the driveshaft front section. Also had to swap the good original 1991 centre bearing onto the short M46 driveshaft section as both M46 driveshaft sections I have in stock had bad bearings. I hadn't ordered a new bearing - DOH!
Also got the clutch bled, wheels & tyres reinstalled and shifted car forward (off the hoist) so we could get the dash and interior reinstalled.
Today we'll be working in the engine bay on hoses, wiring, fluids etc.
PS: Yes, I could have replaced the u-joint and cleaned and painted the shaft, but I'm NOT my dad (thank dog for that!)
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More items from Volvo - these particular items took over 4 months to arrive. They were ordered through a Volvo dealership but via the partnership they have with GCP. Ordering this way may save on postage but I believe it's best just order from GCP direct.
GCP tip: because the website is in a different language and the translation for each item description can been inaccurate, it's best to just get the part number from the catalogue and then search each specific part number in GCP.
I think I've also accidentally ordered doubles of certain parts - whoops!!
A few items under the hood:
- Oil level warning label for dipstick
- SRS airbag decal
- Correct bolt for headlight wiper motor (I was missing one)
- Fuel return hoses and clamps
- Volvo emblem for grille
Also the rear right rubber trim clip had failed, I think it's one of these Volvo clips that you would need to destroy to remove
Here's the proof!
Well, we got the engine in today! Yay! Waiting for clutch fork from GCP, then we'll be ready to put the gearbox in. Progress! We'll start to fit some of the ancillaries etc. in the engine bay and hook up the wiring, fuel hoses etc. while we're waiting for the clutch fork.
Everything looks pretty tight as expected on the turbo side, but hard to say exactly until the gearbox and rear mount are in (currently engine is just sitting with front mounts and a block of wood propping it against the firewall at the back of the cam cover).
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The passenger corner looks like it has been in a crash at some point, there's quite a lot of filler! I'm not planning to scope creep any further so I'll work around this as much as possible.
Okay so sheet metal shrinker/stretcher. I bought one of these recently, it cost $190 I think, and the only thing that I'm annoyed about is that I didn't buy one years ago, they are really nice, and easy to use, my first test piece came out great with maybe 5 minutes or so worth of going back and forth with the stretcher:
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Last Sunday headed up the hill to Mountains Cars and Coffee at Katoomba.
I somehow found myself in amongst a group of 911s on a run up the M4. they turned off up Mulgoa Road.
At Katoomba, arrived right on time and got one of the last parking spots in the top car park.
Lovely stock series 1 RX-7
Jensen Interceptor had a Nitrous Oxide system fitted.
1200 Mazda ute interested me more than the Moffat RX-7.
Renault 12 wagon.
People began to leave, I took another look around and suddenly there was a grey 940 sedan with a very nice "patina" parked next to mine in the recently vacated spot. Late arrival of Aaron from the Lower Mountains with his wife and kids.
Another sleeper with a nice T04 turbo addition under the hood. Really nice to meet him and see some of his fabrication work at his workshop near Penrith. I didn't get a shot of his engine bay.
It was kinda cool being the two old Volvo guys…… not in the best condition and not making the photo galleries but still getting regular & reliable use. It's a great budget way to get you foot in the door to some of these events.
At last, 1.2mm cold rolled Zincanneal sheet ready to become future Volvo.
OK so my parents are visiting and my dad is helping get this stalled project back on the road again! We pulled the dash out to make it easier to install the manual pedal box. Marked, then drilled holes for clutch master cylinder, then reinstalled pedal box. Got the clutch master, pipe, bracket, hose and slave installed. Just need to cut the tip off the brake master cylinder reservoir hydraulic feed for clutch and install the rubber hose, then the clutch mechanical and hydraulic system will be done.
Dad's a stickler for cleanliness, so I said great, get the engine cleaned up (I had started some time back). While he did that, I installed the new spark plug heat shields (unfortunately they're not perfectly aligned…guess It's due to manufacturing tolerances?) The new ones have a rolled edge which I assume helps make them stiffer and maybe less of a sharp surface.
New water pump is installed (genuine Volvo - made in UK - purchased maybe 15 years ago?) Also installed the oil pressure sender, new LH2.4 ECU temp sender, swapped gauge temp sender from the 91 240 engine, pulled distributor from 91 240 engine (to be installed on the B230FT). We'll put on a new timing belt and get things aligned, then install the distributor.
Next steps are - swap 91 LH2.4 harness over to B230FT and route extra wire to oil pressure sender, install inlet manifold and new injectors, pull cam cover and put on new seal, and install rear distributor blanking plate + IPD rear cover plate…then I guess new clutch pilot bearing, install flywheel and clutch…heater hoses, engine mount brackets and engine mounts…then about ready to install engine.
Oh, we also got the overdrive wiring re-jigged using the 740T M46 overdrive relay, and I routed the overdrive light wire to the spot for the ABS warning light. Disassembled instrument cluster and cut a green overdrive "5" lens from an earlier cluster to replace the ABS lens on the warning lamp strip. Reassembled cluster and installed a globe in the correct spot.
We don't reinstall the dash until the engine and wiring harness is in as I want to have good access to the wire pass-through when installing as I buggered up the grommet when I removed it (super glue to the rescue). Also installed turbo ECU and have turbo EZK ready to install once engine and harness are in.
So, things are moving along!
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Scope creep
A quick wash and then off to the "Old School Jap and Euro Back to School Meet" at Emu Plains this morning. Fun event, lots of cool, interesting and unexpected cars. I really enjoy getting out of the house and attending these sort of events early on a Sunday. Get an eyeful of candy and then go home early enough to do other things.
Duco is shiny but I did not treat the bumper :-(
Parked up next to Justin's FRY-244. Beautiful work on this including the 5.0 GMH V8. Got to meet him when we were leaving. His sounded better!
Side shot.
Zac's "Banana". I didn't catch up with him, but good to see the turbo Skyline powered sleeper again.
Couple of GTRs just laying around.
Survivor Sigma
My neighbour on the other side.
Mazda goodness
Mk 2 Golf GTI
One day I'll have one of these.
Lots of E30 Beemers.