
Awesome stuff. Im keen to do the same thing on mine. I see theres only the rear muffler. Did you also get the other 2?

The 240s only ever had 2 mufflers - one in front of the axle and one at the rear behind the fuel tank. Some 240 turbos had the front one deleted (according to the parts book these bits are for a B21ET, so non-catalyst 240 turbo. I already have a 2.5 inch downpipe from @DaiBrace at Classic Swede, so I’ll probably purchase a generic 2.5 inch catalytic converter, then will have to cut the front pipe on the new system short to fit the cat in. Unless of course the downpipe from Dai is exactly the right length to connect to the new system in which case I might umm, ahh, temporarily eliminate the cat for testing purposes...but seriously I want to run with a cat because I hate the stench of the exhaust when running without it.

See the pic below of the original B21ET exhaust system. The system I have replaces the front muffler and pipe with a straight single pipe. They must have discovered in later years (??) that the front resonator wasn’t needed, or it was deleted for some markets? Who knows...anyway I’m happy to get rid of it.

How does the GCP exhaust stack up against other options price wise? I'm beginning to think about an exhaust for my B230FT into GT242 swap. Motors in, gear box about to go back in.

    Ok, did a bit more research...when I look at the parts diagram for the B21FT (240 T with cat) it shows no front muffler (pic below). So maybe the system I got is in fact the FT system, and maybe they decided they didn’t need the front muffler on cars with cat because the cat quieted it down enough. Anyway, I look forward to getting it on the car possibly before the turbo conversion because I deleted the rear muffler already and it’s too loud going straight out the back LOL!


    How does the GCP exhaust stack up against other options price wise? I'm beginning to think about an exhaust for my B230FT into GT242 swap. Motors in, gear box about to go back in.

    about $450 including shipping if you include all the clamps and brackets.

    I have a B230FT with a 200 cell cat and a single turbo muffler, 2.5" system with 3" downpipe, and the volume is very reasonable, has a nice warble to it but no droning and not obnoxious by any means.


      I have a B230FT with a 200 cell cat and a single turbo muffler, 2.5" system with 3" downpipe, and the volume is very reasonable, has a nice warble to it but no droning and not obnoxious by any means.

      Good to hear James. Thanks for that feedback. The system I have (OE Turbo) is also 2.5 inches...not sure I mentioned that for others who may be interested. I got the part numbers from a post on TurboBricks IIRC. I can post up if anyone needs more info.

      Maybe a 3" cat in case you copy the downpipe , make a jig so 3 inch ones can be made off?

      I would make some stainless ones if you want. I'm committing to build stuff....


        Maybe a 3" cat in case you copy the downpipe , make a jig so 3 inch ones can be made off?

        I would make some stainless ones if you want. I'm committing to build stuff....

        My downpipe is 2.5 inch...I’m anxious to see how it clears everything in the RHD. My dad has a 3 inch downpipe on his LHD and everything is very tight!

        7 months later

        Planning to do the brake fluid flush on the gold wagon now that I have the hoist free. Also going to install the GCP 240 Turbo exhaust system if I can make it fit up to the non-turbo cat. Anything will be better than the dodgy system I have on the car now. Yes, going back to Mr Squiggle, which I’m sure some of you will love! :) I decided a bit of flat black engine paint wouldn’t go awry. Of course it was a 10-year old can of paint so the top seal on the spray nozzle failed about halfway thru painting so I finished it off with some regular flat black enamel...may not last but looks OK for now. Probably should also do the rear muffler as it stands out a bit being shiny and new.

        There are several places online that sell mandrel bends and straight sections, I've had absolutely no experience with exhausts apart from repairing holes in the exhausts on my BMW bike with fruit cans and rivets (worked for a while). I'm wondering if, theoretically, at least I could assemble an exhaust from bits using clamps?


          There are several places online that sell mandrel bends and straight sections, I've had absolutely no experience with exhausts apart from repairing holes in the exhausts on my BMW bike with fruit cans and rivets (worked for a while). I'm wondering if, theoretically, at least I could assemble an exhaust from bits using clamps?

          I’m embarrassed to say it but my dad had an exhaust system on his 1800ES that was about 50% clamps LOL!

          2 months later

          Come to papa! Finally bringing my 88 740T engine and M46 back home after loooong term storage in Wayne's mum's shed. Will get stuck into this engine swap/manual conversion after I get the yellow 245 on the road.

          Got the engine/trans back home. Need to reassemble my engine crane so I can unload it...job for tomorrow. The shed is starting to look like a tip shop again. Time for a clean-out!

          5 months later

          Gave the gold wagon a wash the other day. Can't wait to get stuck into the turbo conversion...need to get the yellow 79 done first. Grrr.

          7 months later

          I was telling @Andoria about this planned engine swap today...when he said his +T was the longest-running project, I went back thru my pics and realised I've had my turbo engine/trans since August 2004. Yikes! Maybe 2021 it will go into the wagon? Not if I keep pulling other cars apart. Need to get stuck into another one of MY projects one day LOL! In fact, looking at the pic below I can see that when I bought the 740T, I didn't even have the gold wagon yet (the supercharged 88 240 sedan and my long-gone Amazon wagon are sitting in the shed at our old house in Williamstown). Time flies when you're having fun! Wish I had kept those wheels!

          7 days later

          Makes me feel better too. ?. Progress on Vivian continues at its usual snails pace.

          a month later

          Grrr...been accumulating parts for this swap for over 10 years. I had set aside an immaculate pedal box, but didn’t put it with the bits for the swap...just had it with my box of misc pedals. What do I do? Sell it to somebody in NZ. Now gunna have to look at the rather daggy one I accumulated with a large lot of parts last year and see if I can patch it up. Moral of the story: never sell anything - you might need it some day!