Can't be fixed, or more likely, don't as it is bound to fail spectacularly.
Berry motor group will have one but consider new, Sandwood trading.
Maybe someone close by has one?
In this case, plan on doing the heater core, hoses, sensor/s, thermostat, reservoir and cap. Then be sure water pump was done otherwise do all the belts and tensioner when you do wp.
Once you fix all that something else will need done I bet... Volvo, for life.
I har the same problem with mine. Fcp euro got behr and Nissen radiators for around 120usd. Shipping is around 100usd according to their estimate.

I bit the bullet and bought an aluminium radiator from DO88. It was 700aud including shipping from Sweden.
S60 radiator is the same as s60r radiator?
Actually quite cheap on ebay
Try the GPS Racing alloy radiator if they do s60? Ebay.
I have their intercooler and it's very good for bugger all money.
Beware cheap knockoff eBay ones that look like factory, don't...
Ex850R;134028 wroteTry the GPS Racing alloy radiator if they do s60? Ebay.
I have their intercooler and it's very good for bugger all money.
You mean gpi ?
Hey @Ozvaldo
The BSR "tunes" are a backyard job at best.
I work with Mark @VPT02 down in Melb and can vouch for the MTE tunes that he provides.

The fuss with the XP machine is due to the loading software that is used to flash the ECU, It dosnt work 100% in windows 7 or 10 capability mode.
I can discuss with him and see if we can set up a "loaner" win xp machine if it helps, its a much better option than the bsr garbage and you have ongoing support from someone who has been working on performance volvos for decades.

If you are going to get a radiator online for cheap, be prepared to be berated about it after the shop fits it up for you.
The cheapy no name brand jobbies can be an absoloute c#$t to fit and dont line up perfectly with the condensor and intercooler.
Also make sure they are a full thickness core, the cheapies often have 3/4 or even 1/2 the thickness cores which would only spell trouble later on.

We use nissens and genuine when budget permits.

Id do a head gasket chemical test in the coolant and a compression test before you get into tuning though, these engines do crack cylinder liners and knowing whats going on in there is the best way to know how healthy she is! *Ive seen 2 P2 Rs in the past year with cracked lines come through the shop.

Getting the car to a baseline is the most important with these.
Vac lines
Timing belt
Compression test
Removal of centre driveshaft cover plate (they hit speed bumps and bend the centre driveshaft) if it hasnt been done already

If all checks out then id be looking at making it chop even harder.

Also pics or it didnt happen ?
Ok so what's a proper radiator going to cost?
Tune wise ill hold off the bsr tune was 740 .. the vp tune is 1275 .. big difference?
The difference is in accountability and support.
There is a lot of work that goes into writing a good tune. Its easy to make a car feel like its faster with a tune, but not so easy to make it do so safely and in a way that dosn't hinder the longevity of the engine and associated parts.

I doubt BSR give two shits about the fact that these engines eat liners, Marco at MTE however is very familiar with the platform and how these cars react.
Its one of those things you can ignore and feel the burn from later if you go with the BSR and melt a piston or crack a liner from such extreme boost onset, or go with someone who actually knows the cars and have a much better chance of not killing it due to irresponsible tuning strategies.

Rad cost youll have to call up tomorrow and speak to John or Mark
Ex850R;134028 wroteTry the GPS Racing alloy radiator if they do s60? Ebay.
I have their intercooler and it's very good for bugger all money.
I have one of those radiators in the XC70, and its been great! I was so sick of breaking the plastic tanks (I went through 3 radiators in a few months) so went down this path and its held up solid af over the last few years of abuse/off-road work etc. It was reasonably easy to fit, perhaps a touch fiddly but definitely worth it.
Sorry is it gps or gpi racing ???
also .. can i go universal spacer ie 15mm or volvo specific spacer
General rule for maximum safety would be a specific 5x108 spacer with the correct internal and external centre bore. You will need 15mm longer wheel bolts I'm pretty sure there are Volvo specific kits on eBay (maybe h&r) that come with spacer and wheel bolts

A large four door sedan is not going to be comparable to a brand new golf R, that being said, people don't keep the golf's past warranty period once modified either, they are great cars to buy and sell on at the end of a lease or before warranty period. Your s60r is not that, it's definitely not comparable in may regards other than being turbo and awd.

To say you've only paid 7k and it's not worth spending large amounts... Well, what is worth spending large amounts? A brand new car that you will void the warranty on and still not get a return on your money spent?
P2 based s60r is never going to be a cheap car to own
People spend more than what we're talking about here on their POS $500 240s

(myself included)

8 days later
Radiator done $555 later.

Love the car runs like a dream and so comfortable.

I did a resonator delete .. sounds a bit better.

Now looking at tunes .. if mark at vp tuning would do the MTE tune for under 1k I'd go far it.
Do the MTE tune, it's best. Hilton is same price, bsr hasn't got great rap?
6 days later
Apart from the borla xr-1 muffler any other suggestions for a cat back system? I'm in Sydney