Ex850R;c-158572 wroteramrod;c-158568 wroteI remember a blow up about this around a year ago on iroll, lots of people skeptical about the 353kw @ 17psi
Yeah,the usual suspects...it happens if it was posted at 253kw or 153kw.
The owner knows,who can dispute it? Nobody unless they are there.
No, it wouldn't happen if posted at 153kw. 353kw at the wheels is approx 406kw at the flywheel or 540hp.
That's more power than a C190 AMG GT 4 litre twin-turbo or about the same as an R35 GTR 3.8L twin-turbo.
Just how much airflow do you think a non-cross flow B20 with a single tiny throttle has compared to the above engines? Maybe it was running at 14,500 rpm. LOL