• 'Minty' The 240 Wagon

The welders too? Or is it just the one mig/tig unit like my mate has?

I have a mate who can do it through the holidays as he works from home if you want to do it properly. He is in Croydon though.
You need to find a new machine shop. The one here I went to did both milling down the manifold and porting it for $90. Took him about an hour.
You have the right idea about the adapter. Nice big thick plate and just die grind the cuunt out.
Don't bother welding to the stock manifold. You don't know the composition so it will be hard to determine what filler material and stress relieving process you need to follow.
150 bucks an hour is pretty common for machine shops these days. Australia is an expensive country to run a business.
Samman88;64189 wroteCheers @Andy ! Yeah figured it was just the compression strokes doing that.
At the moment it is rare to lose sync at all and timing error hangs around +-1 but occasionally hits up to +-10 under certain conditions.
I would imagine microsquirt to be pretty ideal on a single cylinder although I'm not really up to speed on all its functions. Sounds like an interesting engine though...specs?

I quite like the ECU. If I put a hole in my block later tonight whilst testing the A cam with a few more psi it will be because of my tuning/setup. The megasquirt will simply be doing what I asked it to do. This is important to keep in mind.
Sorry Sam I didn't see your post earlier, a big downfall with Megasquirt is its crank angle prediction, it's shit. Even to this day, the crank angle prediction is just a primitive derivative model so it cannot correctly predict when the next crank tooth will occur during the compression and combustion stroke. Having a 10 degree angle error is plain scary, especially when the cam sync and crank position are on the same disk. OEM level and decent aftermarket ECUs usually offer a crank angle tooth precision of 0.1 degrees. OEMs are mandated to meet this precision consistently due to emission laws. They can offer this precision as their models factor in the engines combustion torque accelerating/decelerating the crankshaft during each cycle. These models are even powerful enough to determine if a cylinder is suffering from compression loss or miss-fires. Clever stuff!
Samman88;65014 wrote I ended up ringing around some welding shops here and the 312 filler rod was recommended. Issue was they came in 3kg packs at $419!
Yeah. I have a local welding place that specializes in "what you need" and will sell most rods in singles if you want to get to that level of detail. For dissimilar metals where it really counts, I have half a kilo of Hastelloy W rods. If you think the 312 is exxy, try pricing that stuff!

For cutting out stuff like that, I have a cheap chinese 3 way TIG (TIG/MMA/Plasma) and use the plasma cutter. Just clean up the edges on a flap disc and you're done. A couple of hundred bucks from flea-bay and saved me a fortune in oxy bottle rental. As an added bonus, you can arc weld with footpedal current control and HF start, so no arc start snot on or around the weld. Good for me because I can't arc weld to save my life.

I have seen the cylinder speed correction in action often working on trucks even, they will count from the previous stroke and speed up or slow down the firing rate, the issue then is making sure the mechanics understand what they are looking at instead of just replacing injectors when the computer feedback is all +10 fuel trim... it's been found the EGR combined with the AMM will cause that too...

Didn't realise that the latest MS still won't be more accurate, doesn't make sense really.
4 days later
5 days later
Almost as good as the factory gauge holder :p
Love the progress mate.

Good choice with the VDO gauges. They have no chinese blinky LED shit in them
4 days later
Ooh, nice work! How is the clearance of that top sway bar when you are on the ground?
How come you didn't use an el falcon bar?
Oh. Whoops. Didn't see pics when I read through. Better springs win out over stiffer sways I've found....
Nice springs don't fall into the category of ghetto suspension mods though.
Its ok. I told him in person, I had cut springs on the wagon, ita waaaaay better with kings on it!