@1971_144GL all good
Looks like we have about ~$120 of budget left before we get too close to the GST threshold.
@1971_144GL all good
Looks like we have about ~$120 of budget left before we get too close to the GST threshold.
If I'm not being too greedy!
When are you thinking about doing this? I may be interested in some bits as well shipping is crazzzzy
In just after a set of these
Yeah, ClassicSwede seems to have two online stores with slightly different inventories. I've sent them an e-mail asking what the haps is.
I don’t understand this threshold you speak of because gst applies to every single cent.
Ex850R it is explained ad nauseum in historical forum posts but the gestalt of it is that unless ClassicSwede takes it upon themselves to charge the GST and send it to the ATO, for orders under $1k goods value, Customs will not charge you GST upon arrival, i.e. the system relies on international sellers opting-in, and really only the bigger sellers bother.
Porkchop it applies to the whole order. I assume if we order enough stuff it might eventually bump it up a bracket, but I've been putting everything in the cart as we go to check that and so far has not changed.
I'm gonna go through it all tonight and work out if I can just submit the whole order via the .org site (also, why does the logo say .co.uk? Far out it could not be more confusing). I think the only item not in the new .org site is the 240 V1 strut tops, but @Maximus has said he'll take the V2 strut tops (which are on the site) if necessary. The only item not available on the old site is those brake hose brackets.
Yes the double site fandango is bloody confusing! I first came across "Dai" on https://www.volvoforums.org.uk/ , he first posted in 2004 and seemed to build a business base that drew in a lot UK brick fans from the forum not that any of you guys are unaware of this I'm sure. I actually prefer his old site's interface (clunky though it may be), it would be great if he could put up *moderately* high res shots of parts too, some of them are like reading Braille!
Any $$$ left to add to the order?
Classicswede now uses the . Org site he hasn't shut down his other site for some reason.
Ive bought alot off Classicswede over the years it's always best to Msg Dai directly and check what he has Ready to Go otherwise your order may not bee seen For Months.
The best way to get hold of Dai is fb messenger you May never get a response via Email.
The new website shipping calculator is accurate…… well accurate as in that's what he will charge you but generally your package will arrive with a postage lable Priced half of what you Paid so he makes a bunch on shipping too haha.
Ive never had an issue with Classicswede in fact the opposite it's always been super quick and Pleasant but I also randomly chat to dai so think he Likes me but just bare in mind he's a 1 man show, he's busy and terrible at communicating with customers anyone who is on fastbricks UK would see the endless Posts asking where their parts are.
Worst case you msg his wife and she Kicks him in the ass.
The point is never order without msging and confirming everything is ready to Go or a timelime for any parts that aren't ready he may have everything but 1 thing and that will just push the order into the Classicswede void that may not be seen again for God Knows.
Okay I've caught up with him and he's asked me to give him a list of items that are missing from the new site so he can fix it will keep you posted.
@1971_144GL can I ask, do you really just want 3 flywheel bolts? It seems odd to me to order less than a full set, let me know
@KBee not much, but I won't know until I can get the current cart total
If you scroll to the first post here, I've added a full shopping cart, please check I haven't missed anything. Will update again once I have the parts all in the cart.
Hello, They only listed three in stock. I was going to take one to my local engineering bolt provider to see if they could get the correc type. Surprisingly I don't seem to have an example handy, and I will want a few for upcoming projects. I think they may be grade 12? If he has 16 that would be great.
He also said he is out of lifters unfortunatly on his site. I might see if I can do onel ast CVI direct order before we have to start paying the Australain agent mark up.
I'm still hunting for my stash of stainless steel brake shims - that place called "somewhere" must be pretty full now.