
@Maximus and I are buying some parts from ClassicSwede and are looking for others to join the order to bring the shipping costs down. I'm happy to post parts domestically once they arrive in Sydney.


Current shopping list
@jamesinc (parts 59.45 GBP)

  1. 1 x hard PU engine mount left
  2. 1 x hard PU engine mount right
  3. 1 x Rear brake pads

@Maximus (parts 92 GBP)

  1. 1 x V1 240 adjustable camber plates

@Porkchop (Parts 88.25 GBP)

  1. 1 x 240 fuel tank sender and pump
  2. 1 x fuel sender tank o-ring
  3. 1 x Flame trap

@1971_144GL (Parts 175.22 GBP)

  1. 1 x B30 K cam
  2. 16 x Redblock flywheel bolt
  3. 1 x Electric fuel pump for carb engines
  4. 1 x Stromberg CD175 diaphragm

@Ben240s (Parts 40 GBP)

1. 1 x 240 Split Brake Line Bracket

    Definitely need a 240 Petrol tank sender unit with pump, around $150 AUD (correct me if I've got the conversion wrong!) plus shared shipping costs obviously. Front brake calipers seem extremely reasonable but not sure if I want to go through the sheer pain of bleeding the system ever again after fitting new hoses/booster/MC etc….

    @Porkchop ClassicSwede is flat-rate on shipping, rough estimate is $160 for the fuel pump and as it stands currently $80 for shipping. If we find a 4th person it'll drop to ~$60 each shipping and a 5th person $50 each.

    The current parts total stands at a hair under $500 so plenty of room still for more parts.

      Got it, trying to economise but I'll have another look at his offerings…

      Image description

      I'm interested in this group of items if it doesn't make the post price explode.

      @1971_144GL all good

      Looks like we have about ~$120 of budget left before we get too close to the GST threshold.

      Image description

      Image descriptionIf I'm not being too greedy!

      When are you thinking about doing this? I may be interested in some bits as well shipping is crazzzzy 😅

        @Ben240s can you send me the link to the page, I can't find what you've screenshotted here

          Yeah, ClassicSwede seems to have two online stores with slightly different inventories. I've sent them an e-mail asking what the haps is.

            jamesinc he changed his store awhile back to just .org which is the link I sent you , not sure why he has not closed the old one off yet. I got confused with it and had to ask the same thing

            I don’t understand this threshold you speak of because gst applies to every single cent.

              Ex850R it is explained ad nauseum in historical forum posts but the gestalt of it is that unless ClassicSwede takes it upon themselves to charge the GST and send it to the ATO, for orders under $1k goods value, Customs will not charge you GST upon arrival, i.e. the system relies on international sellers opting-in, and really only the bigger sellers bother.

              jamesinc Not wanting to muddy the waters after the GST query but when you say ClassicSwede charges a flat $80 international shipping rate is that applied to each article or per order (multiple parts) not querying your accounting just curious 🙂

                Porkchop it applies to the whole order. I assume if we order enough stuff it might eventually bump it up a bracket, but I've been putting everything in the cart as we go to check that and so far has not changed.

                I'm gonna go through it all tonight and work out if I can just submit the whole order via the .org site (also, why does the logo say .co.uk? Far out it could not be more confusing). I think the only item not in the new .org site is the 240 V1 strut tops, but @Maximus has said he'll take the V2 strut tops (which are on the site) if necessary. The only item not available on the old site is those brake hose brackets.

                Yes the double site fandango is bloody confusing! I first came across "Dai" on https://www.volvoforums.org.uk/ , he first posted in 2004 and seemed to build a business base that drew in a lot UK brick fans from the forum not that any of you guys are unaware of this I'm sure. I actually prefer his old site's interface (clunky though it may be), it would be great if he could put up *moderately* high res shots of parts too, some of them are like reading Braille!

                Any $$$ left to add to the order?