Hi all, I picked up a 745 turbo recently. It had a weeping power steering hose, so in an effort to repair the issue I removed the original hose and took it in to grab some AN6 fittings and pressure hose. The salesman at the store matched the banjo bolt no problem, but the (seemingly NPT) fitting on the other end has caused so much trouble. I have attached a picture with the thread circled, I have done some research and it is seemingly a 3/8 NPT but I have now tried 3 3/8 NPT fittings and it wont even start the thread. I'm a good few hundred into the hole now, any assistance would be appreciated.
Tapered Thread Pattern on 740 Turbo Power Steering Pump
Why not use the old fitting? Why couldnt they figure that out at the shop?
If you think spending a few hundred on a maintenance repair like that is tough, maybe an old Volvo isn’t the right car for you.
ramrod Nah I'm already loving it, just want to make the most of the performance hose I already have. Otherwise I'll just find something used.
Ex850R Took it in for comparison and they measured it assuming it was NPT, they've since told me to try BSPT. Wanted to run soft hose for ease of routing and future maintenance. If I can't figure it out I'll probably just have the original hose rebuilt.
You will be able to get a BPST adapter fitting, e.g. https://rocketindustries.com.au/hose-fittings/adapters/bsp-adapters
jamesinc Thank you very much! Ordered a BPST fitting, fingers crossed.
That fitting uses an inverted flare to seal, so you need one of these. Double check thread size but I am pretty sure this is the right one and what I am currently using. https://www.ebay.com.au/itm/325455795977?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=705-154756-20017-0&ssspo=gTHOEG1-Qbe&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=uIHfrSaBThe&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY