Sorry to hijack the thread but for the love of God DO NOT buy anything off that Harry Loader. That bastard owes me a B230 water pump that I paid for 5 (yes FIVE) weeks ago. I have attempted to contact him via Messenger to try and sort it out and have been ignored, or blocked. This is all because the money i sent him didn't go through to his bank account IMMEDIATELY (and I mean immediately like that second). He abused me and called me an unsavoury name or two. He even sent me an unbelievably pathetic video of himself with the package, throwing it in a bag and walking off. Absolute fuckin juvenile bullshit. I reported him to Facebook as a dodgy seller but, unsurprisingly, that achieved absolutely nothing.
There are plenty of other legitimate and honest people to buy parts from.
Sorry but everyone needs to be warned to stay the hell away from him.