Ex850R I want the file please!
That's it, I'm going to buy a printer on way home!
What medium filler did you use?
I want a larger screen I'm thinking....
The vents remind me of early Japanese car ball direction control in the side vents.
My Capella RX2 .
Commercial vehicles may have as well.
I'm going to pick a part!
The printer needs an "all metal" hot end, and the ability to print with high temp filaments to withstand the high interior temps of a parked car. I used PETG but ABS would also work but its a PITA to print as its prone to warping and cracking.
If you are after a budget 3D printer the Sovol SV06 is currently getting great reviews and is a clone of the printer I have which is a Prusa i3 MK3S+
Let me see how to transfer the files. Google Drive or Dropbox will likely be the best options.