Yep cable was a generic ebay vag com. From what i can tell there are 2 types differing in the driver chip.
@jamesinc loaded vol-fcr and the cable on to a windows 7 (?) laptop let it install the drivers and it all worked.
But you can't pull engine or ACC codes from it. I used the a LED and paper clip method.
This was on a 4.3 motronic, am I guessing
@Rob you are using 4.4?
guess you have tried this
Ignition off
Press and hold odometer reset button
Turn key to RUN position, continue to hold odometer reset button
Wait approx 10 seconds for SERVICE light to begin flashing
Then key off.
That works on my S40
I fought the driver install on a visa machine and could not get it to work at all. the machine was lucky to survive my insults.
Edit.... there are some very basic programs for android available when used with a ELM327 see if responds to this?