Start by unpacking your goodies
Here I am using a 1998 S70 T5 Auto ECU, denoted by the 0 261 204 449
All opened up
The stock EEPROM Module
You can try cutting it out if you have a blade sharp enough, but I felt a dremel would be a better option and went with that in the end
Remove the old legs by applying a generous solder blob - careful not to get it too hot and disrupt the surrounding components
Cut the arse out of the socket to give yourself some extra room to solder - I recommend a fine tipped iron, I used a Hakko FX-888 with a T18-B Shape-B tip, nothing fancy
Remember, ALWAYS check your soldering, a cheap multimeter with a continuity test mode will save you hours of diagnosing why your car wont start, I got a little solder on the legs as I moved my iron away, bridging a leg or two which resulted in an hour of messing around in the software trying to find out why my fooling fan was comming on with ignition, but the car wouldnt start
Minty fresh
Plug the adapter into the socket, then the 32 pin cable into the adapter - Remember to check that you havn't doubled up on these puppies, both the adapter and cable came with one attached and the cable sat too high for the ECU case to sit back down
All fitted up and running! Note you can see the additional riser sitting in between the adapter and the ribbon plug
First successful crank over
Initial impressions:
The car starts on a hair trigger now, no more waiting a few seconds for the ECU to read the cam & crank position sensors to determine when to fire.
The stock bin file that i have flashed was for an automatic S70 T5, Which runs a factory boost level of about 12.5 PSI as opposed to the 850Rs 10.5 PSI, This has resulted in a significant gain in mid range power, no longer does it feel to have a flat spot mid gear as the boost kicks in with a gentle increase in throttle input.
The car now displays a LAMBDA light fault, I believe it to be due to the S70 T5s ECU expecting me to be running the Bosch white injectors, where my car has the smaller oranges, this has resulted in a significant increase in fuel consumption, I have read this to be due to the computer compensating by running pig rich at idle, however at full throttle the light goes out.
The AC still works, there is a patch that needs to be applied to the M4.4 file in order to maintain its functionality
Ive got a MAP sensor on the way also - more on that later
More on software soon