jamesinc Typical old car problem - the rubber strips that protect seam edges have fatigued, and don't want to hold on to the seams anymore. Anyone have some hot tips for fixing this, or is the only solution to buy new strips?
timbo You could try some clips commonly used on British cars to retain the door seals. https://rover.ebay.com/rover/0/0/0?mpre=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.ebay.co.uk%2Fulk%2Fitm%2F333375233812
jamesinc I believe I've found the product also, it's known as pinchweld https://www.clarkrubber.com.au/products/37675-universal-pinchweld-14mm-x-7mm
rado Big +1 on the clear silicone. Work with it every day . Once you leave it for 24 hours it's extremely good . Just a couple of days ago fixed a pair of sunnies with it . But car wise it's great .
jamesinc DCW242 They have a metal insert in them, you can crimp them with pliers so they are a tight fit.Orly! I will try this in a bit
jamesinc DCW242 They have a metal insert in them, you can crimp them with pliers so they are a tight fit.Update: this works amazingly well, I just went along the seals nipping them with the pliers and now they're good as new!