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  • 240 sedan in storage for 10 years. Cranks but wont start. Any suggestions or trouble shooting

Hi Gang,
I am planning to go look at an '87 240 sedan that has been stored for 10 years.
The owner states car cranks but wont start and suspects fuel pump.

Can any one suggest what the worst case scenario may be? I plan to take starting spray to isolate the issue to fuel or ignition.

Not to sound cheap, but Im not looking for a big dollar project just to get this going.
My hope is its a simple fix, like fuel pump or even fuel pump relay and then hopefully move on to making it roadworthy and safe.


Start with the cheap, (hopefully finish) if not go further.

The car needs all the stage 0 maintenance items anyway, so changing things on it won't do any harm.
A fuel pump is easy to hear when it primes. Turn the car on with the passenger door open and you should hear it whir then stop. Others on here could advise the implication of 10 year old fuel. It should start on bad fuel but run pretty rough. When you inspect the car be prepared to check fuel, spark / ignition etc. A voltmeter would also be useful :) Best of luck and let us know how the inspection goes.
Every 240 I have restarted after a long period of sitting has needed the in tank pump replaced along with the rubber hose in the tank. Almost all have needed the tank thoroughly cleaned and most have needed the undercar pump disassembled and freed up at a minimum.

Thanks for the advice. Waiting for additional photos from the seller