• Events
  • Oz Volvo National Meet 2018 - Canberra ACT

Count me in for Friday night too.
Have booked it in, Essence at the Dickson Tradies, 7 pm. Under Oz Volvo, Paul and James as well.
Excited to say Bowden's Own have come back on as a sponsor, and they are giving us even more prizes than in previous years ?as well as sample pots for the showbags!
Mmmmm...sample pots, prizes, showbags and Volvo's.
More good news - Berry Motor Group are sponsoring the Best in Show trophy this year ?
6 days later
Just tried to register, not to sure if it went through??
14JEZ;c-143303 wroteJust tried to register, not to sure if it went through??
<strike>I have your registration but it's unpaid. I'll send you an email to sort it out </strike> all good see you there!
Update - we previously were planning to hold the Friday Night Hangz at the Tradies in Dickson, but because the event has grown in size, and the Tradies now want me to book a function room and go all set menu and all that (which is way beyond the budget, and also I hate set menus) we are moving the FNH to the G Spot burger van, which is in the car park of the Gunghalin Lakes Golf Club. This is a pretty nice solution, I think, as we can migrate into the bar afterwards if there's interest. Old mate who runs the burger van says it's no issue, they have done car meets twice the size of ours and they'll get the burgers out to us quickly.
Better late than never, I've registered. Looking forward to it.
@jamesinc I originally only registered for just myself, but my partner as it turns out could get the time off, so I need to add a second person? How do I go about that?
@JeremyK all good I'll update your entry
13 days later
All booked up with myself Darcy Rule , Paul Bowman and Andy Bowman at the tourist park Alivio Volvo 480 Turbo and C70 T5 and V70R

iceton1975;c-144400 wroteAll booked up with myself Darcy Rule , Paul Bowman and Andy Bowman
There were Four in the bed and the little one said...
14JEZ;c-144404 wrote
iceton1975;c-144400 wroteAll booked up with myself Darcy Rule , Paul Bowman and Andy Bowman
There were Four in the bed and the little one said...
@iceton1975 I got your registration but don't have the other two cars, can you let the Bowmen know
5 days later
Anyone who wants/needs 740 and 940 parts. I have most of what was in my listing a month or so ago, still available. If you're coming to Canberra, it may be worth while collecting while you're down here. Everything will be FREE, providing you make a gold coin donation to ozvolvo per item. Lights, indicators, switches, electric mirrors, spoiler. Interior parts, floor mats, mud flaps + more all available.
If anyone's keen I'll bring these down for trades/sales 5x108 17x7.5 +35ish, cheap tyres with decent tread. Will happily swap for cool bits for a 240 turbski sedan or take offers

Spirit of Tasmania booked. (again... wish I could get Frequent Floater points! )
Hotel booked.
We're in.
Frequent floater points sounds dubious LOL