Who do I need to speak to in regards to historic rego in nsw ?
Boyd Symington. Don't have his contact details on hand but they should be in the Rolling magazine if your a member and get it
@Boyd I think, not sure if he's active
Think I may have solved the logistics of getting a rw but unregistered car back from Sydney by getting a 28 day unregistered car permit from vic roads
Thanks I think I may have it sorted @Boyd , had my Volvo on club plates in vic through Volvo club and maybe picking up a 66 vc valiant safari in nsw and wondered if I could use my vic Volvo membership for 60 day club permit in nsw as I want to head back slowly , but I think I maybe able use a 28 day vic roads permit
In NSW they are called unregistered vehicle permits.
Yep , was thinking I would have to pay for 60 day nsw club permit but 28 day unregistered car permit from vic roads should cover me