There are plenty of guides online for this but I found them all lacking for the 7 seat version. One even suggests removing the 3rd row seats, another shortcuts this by cutting the carpet (!). Volvo says leave it in place and fold it out of the way.

The best tutorial is here

There's a 2003-2005MY recall in the US with the Volvo replacement instructions here
However; these pumps were specifically designed for duty in the southern hemisphere (where liquids go down the drain the right way), these pumps only fail in the US, hence the recall there. Apparently my XC90 has spent time in the US as it has failed in the same manner as described in the recall notice for the US. Avoidance of liability by Volvo Oz or ACCC asleep again? Surely not B).

Access to the pump is poor with the carpet in place and it all needs to be cleaned to prevent dirt entering the tank.

To improve access, I removed the rear floor carpet without removing the third row of seats. It needed a thorough clean back there anyway. To do this, after removing the trims to access the frame:

1 - remove the front row of bolts (3 off) 1 under each seat and 1 in the centre (visible in photo below)
2 - lower rear seats. There are two bolts each side (4 total) at the rear of the frame which are just accessible with a socket if you deform the trim slightly (i.e. it is not necessary to remove the side trims in the load area if you do this). Loosen these.
3 - Loosen the 4 bolts in the centre (visible in photo below)
4 - raise seat backs
5 - lift the front of the frame (note short extension bar in photo below - the photo is taken at this point)
6 - remove carpet forwards

This added about 30 min to the whole job. Volvo Service Bulletin says 2.3 hours. I'd suggest you allow 4 for the first time with cleaning.

FCP Euro delivered the pump in 5 days (thanks Philia bear). BOSCH OEM - check your VIN chassis number.
Also order the removal tool or be prepared to invest time in manufacturing one out of a 100 DWV socket and more time making it work in the confined space.
a year later
Can you elaborate on the screw positions and count? In the rear, I assume there are 2 interior and 2 exterior screws per seat (8 total, not 6). I can't see any front screws...
Yes its 8 not 6.
This video shows the locations.
Remember you only need to remove the bolts to free the carpet - not all the side trims etc the video depicts. DO NOT DO THIS.
Great, Thank you so much!
I've posted pics of the slides that I think you are talking about. I also posted the slide where it talks about removing the cover to access to the 2 outside rear screws. I think that is the cover you stated you can deform slightly to gain access.

19 days later
Do I need to mess about with the fuel level sensor when replacing the pump?
It appears I need two O-rings depending on the type of tank I have - plastic or metal.

From FCP..

Question: (Posted by:
Does this fuel pump come with a new o-ring or does that need to be purchased separately?

Answer: (Posted by: FCP Product Team)
The Fuel Pump O-ring needs to be purchased separately. For Plastic Fuel Tanks the part number is p/n 9183708 For Metal Tanks the part number is p/n 8634839 You'll need two of whichever seal you need depending on your fuel tank.
You need to remove the level sensor as there is wiring and a fuel pickup that runs through the tank from the pump side.
I usually zip tie a 1 metre length of hose to the wiring/fuel line to make it easier to re-route when fitting the new pump.
Yes both need to come out to disconnect as Tim mentions. I found this part the biggest PITA. Drawing thru a draw wire was tricky due to the shape of the tank and plug on the loom.
15 days later
The fuel pump replacement job starts this weekend. I am stripping the interior following the procedure above and my mechanic will make a home visit and do the rest. He has done one of these before and knows the importance of drawing the lines through and to not stuff that bit up.

One thing he wants to do is run the car for a little bit afterwards to ensure there are no fuel leaks.. this is great and I'm glad he is going to take this extra care step.. but what does that do to the air bag system when there are no back seats in and the seat sensor wires disconnected? I'm going to guess and say it'll create error codes that'll need to be cleared.
I disconnected the battery first. No issues with errors. The centre seat would need to go back in to avoid errors during a test drive. I didn't. Low probability of leaks if everything is clean and inspected before it goes back together. Quick release fuel lines :)
Give everything including the the top of the tank a good clean first otherwise it'll end up in the tank.
Make sure you have good ventilation.
Pump didn't arrive today darnit! I'll rip the seats and carpet out still. Yeah good idea to clean around the top of tank first. I'll let the man play near fuel.. i'll be well away from the boom. ?

I'll ensure the sunroof, all doors and back is open for him. I don't think he smokes.
Make sure the o ring seats are completely clean or it will leak when you fill the tank up.
Also dont let the o rings get fuel on them or they will swell up
So.. i'm in.

The fuel pump has possibly been changed before. The underlay has been cut. I pulled the carpet out anyway following the procedure and left the underlay in place and folded over the cut section.

The fuel pump looks fairly clean. However the sender unit on the passenger side is where it's obviously been weeping. Not impressed.

..Now my anxiety is high about benzene exposure. Someone make me feel better.
Refinery workers can still have children.
Replace the sender o-ring and not the pump for lower total exposure :)
Would my 04 xc90 have the plastic or metal fuel tank? It seems like plastic. Which means I need the green o-ring.
@VolvoDeger what do you think? I'm sure you've replaced a few o-rings.
I have never seen a metal tank in an XC90