blondejay;101609 wrotedont you love it when there is no uniform, to post production parts.
Nah, I hate it actually, as much as you do. :) So many parts suppliers think 'oh yeah, it's a Volvo, they all look the same = all parts are the same..." when they are clearly NOT.
I'd be concerned about machining down the face of the GD130. But that's not where the issue arises - it's more an issue of how the thing sits on the hub, so the rotor is correctly aligned to the caliper, meaning the internal measurement of the disc bell is the dimension one mainly needs to worry about.
You may be onto something with Toranas, however I can't remember if the Toranas ever had factory front discs which mandated the use of 15 inch wheels. IIRC the biggest factory offering was 14 inch AFAIK, but I'm willing to be corrected on this. If Torana discs are like VN / VP Commodore discs, the hub is an integral part of the disc bell, so you change the hubs when you change the disc.
Guess we could go with a custom-made bell and hub, then bolt on an AP Racing or Lockheed disc to the bell using cap screws. Those discs will last forever on a road car (mind you, they'd want to, since setting 'em up ain't gonna be cheap...)
Edit: cut to chase of tl;dr nightmare