So... After the drive up to and back from @egads Volvo-que at @volvodriverman, the Lady Syrah overheated repeatedly. I suspect a head gasket.

Now seems the perfect time to start the process of engine transplant plans/discussion. The 2.7 needs the cams done as well.

Here are the three trains of thought:

1) @volvodriverman has suggested (quite wisely) that I acquire his B280 from the white 760 along with its 4-speed auto. Requires a complete change of ecu/ems wiring etc.

2) put the B230/M47 from The Goon into her. Requires a complete change ecu/ems wiring etc.,and engine mounts/x-member.

3) put Buick 3.8 mit auto into her. Requires complete change of Ecu/ems, wiring, x-members, tailshaft(s), exhaust etc...

I'm interested in hearing other's thoughts...
1/ BMW straight 6 .
2/ Get one of those 960s around cheap and use motor n box.
3/ Not put a Commondoor V6 motor in it.....
4/ Put a Commondoor 5lt FI motor in it and auto.
5/ B280 and supercharger ( talk to Rob )
Tiga(@Tigabu) said:

I'm interested in hearing other's thoughts...
Idea 1 - good.
Idea 2 - ok, but takes away from what it is a bit i reckon.
Idea 3 - as good as this may be - yuk, I hate these engines.

on Les' ideas

Idea 1 - good
Idea 2 - better
Idea 3 - even better
Idea 4 - ok ... ish.
Idea 5 - :D

@LesM so noted - options 1+2+4 not affordable atm, and I have option 3 already en route from Melbourne. @volvodriverman also has 3.5 Rover V8 option as an outside runner in this race ;-)
Thanks @Rob :-) do you have sc to suit B280?
Nah, but we could make something fit...
I don't see the point of Rover V8......
Why go to all the effort and cost and engineering for that?
Volvo 6 is something I have been toying with, which is why I was keen on the 960 wagon in Hobart that no one wanted me to butcher :-D
@LesM because I love the note, weight and size of em ;-)
But yeah, a lot of work for not a huge gain...
I like the B280 if it's on its way and in good nick?

There was a dude on Geelong offloading all his small S/C s on eboy long ago and didn't move em , ask the boys if they know who?
You may as well have 5.0 litres than 3.5.....
The B280 is at Tristan's (@volvodriverman) and has had a fairly recent mini overhaul; it's the Buick V6 en route from Melbourne...
Don't need 5 litres... I already have one arsehole B-)
I have always thought the rover should be a relatively easy swap. I'm not a big fan of the engine itself but in the correct circumstances it should be pretty reasonable.

The rover 3.5 will bolt to a bw35, which will bolt into a 264 with an output shaft and ext housing change. The fact that everything from the engine back would be bolt ins takes away so much pain and expense, gearbox, linkages, tailshaft etc is easy, fabricate some engine mounts (would have to check sump clearance) and it is in place, physical size is small so no problems there, even your prv exhaust would most likely only take minor mods to fit. The standard radiator is probably sufficient. if you run carb's there is a small amount of wiring and a throttle cable and your away, if you chose to run efi, it should only increase the work a little.

I don't think its the ideal engine but simplicity should certainly make it a contender.
I am all for simple ;-) cheers, @Rob
That link still isn't firing for me @LesM