Angus242164 Not sure on your location Raebird, but I'm looking at possibly doing a trip to the Western suburbs of Melbourne on March 8 or 9, with a trailer, so I could easily meet you somewhere in the west if you do decide to go for the one I've got.
penta242gt mark has some very nice squirter blocks in stock i saw them today. i have purchased a new squirter install kit from turbobricks...
iceton1975 I can put on a pallet to you approx. $200 I sent a engine to Darwin 2 weeks ago it cost $360 complete motor . I have approx. 4 B230FBs in stock 1x B23 Turbo early 760 Turbo,2x B230ETs and 7 B230FTs and then your into new stuff like XC70 motors 960 motors X2, XC90 motor 2x T6 x1 2.5T . Regards Mark