• 1985 240 GL sedan - Mums daily drive

So this car came about as a bit of an accident actually. I was at work and someone actually offered it to me basically being like "if you want it you can have it"

A quick inspection showed the car to be in reasonable good nick. It drove well and everything on it was working as it should. A full roadworthy inspection sealed the deal, only needing new ball joints, rear brake pads and some light globes.

Realistically we had something else in mind for her daily driver. For example something made in this century was the idea. Something with all the airbags and comfort features we've come to expect. In all honesty Ive been trying to shove her in a V50 for months. But she didn't want to spend that kind of money on a daily drive which I guess is fair enough.

Who can complain? Its a nice colour, it has a nice colour interior, everything works, even the original 8-track stereo and overdrive, its auto, runs well, drives well, mum feels safe in it, its a big brick compared to her old Laser. So all round, she's happy with it!

Grand total cost:

Initial Purchase: $0.00
Roadworthy: $350.00
Vicroads Reg: $800.00
Total Cost: $1150.00

It sure goes a lot better than my 240 for a lot less cash. #Jealous.

Front left parker is out! Otherwise 10/10
Bit picky It's 30 YO!

When I was 30 I had more than a parking light Out!
The most hilarious thing is the parker works, its just the day time running light that doesn't (dual filament and one of them is out). But the funny thing is the previous owner, instead of replacing the bulb they put black electrical tape over the bulb failure light on the dash....

The reverse lights don't work either. It has a few light issues but nothing major for a 30 year old thing :)
Looks good. But why cant the xc70 be a daily?
She doesn't want it to get beaten up. Cheaper to run a car you don't care about than constantly repair one that you do.
Righto. Newer cars are for being beaten up though, literally. I would always daily a newer car because of safety. Especially between a 240 and a p2 car. If it can't perform a basic task of daily driving when less than 15 years old, I'd be worried myself.

But the 240 does look neat.
The 240 is solid as a rock and considering the thing will never go above 50 km/h I think if it was in an accident, it would do just fine. Its certainly safer than the old Laser. We actually do care about our cars. Mum takes a great deal of pride in her XC70 and its not a nice feeling to come back to it after work and find someones backed into it, or scraped the side of it, or opened their door onto it and dented the side of it. And getting any of that stuff fixed is not cheap at all. I personally wanted mum to have something newer myself, I was thinking some shitheap V50 thats been bashed around already would fit the bill but she didn't want to pay for it, so this will do.