Hi I have a Volvo 740 hp with the extended boost (factory) and all the options like spoiler, air scoop under the windscreen wipers, the car is a factory metallic black looking colour, I was wondering how many people other than me had one ? , I'd love to see what people did to theirs so I can get a few ideas, so if you've got a few pics to share of your volvo 740 HP id love too see them,
thanks - Darcy
I do now;-)
How many HP's are there? Are they a rare bit of gear?
Yeah they are.......Tristan's one (which was Fletch's one...) is one of two I have seen around Hobart...and the black one on Hydras I haven't seen in a couple of years....
They are rare but they were more of an options pack to make the last of the old shape 740t go. Still nice cars.
Mine no longer has the Geminis, but its in fantastic condition, i will buy some Gemini rims for it eventually, just when i can afford them, as far as ive been told there are about 5 someone knows of, but possibly even more
Looks great Darcy, the black really suits them. IMHO removing the trim and bumper tape, grab some wheel sand you're sorted!
thanks @ben , the main worry im having at the moment is that the cream leather seats in it are spliting and looking terrible, i was going to put some material ones in but id like to keep the interior origional
Mothers leather conditioner did good things to reverse this cracking death on the old V70. Clean and condition and with that moisture back in they will be happier and may be able to avoid any more serious repairs.
thanks @egads , can i get it at basic car shops such as auto one/ supercheap auto ?
Yup, should be able to. Might only have meguirs or something, both are top notch.
cool, thanks, ill look into getting some right away, on Wednesday im going to put the volvo 740 HP on club reg/plates as well, im just waiting for another roadworthy, the other expired a month or two ago so ill get the leather restorer then as well ;)
Thorben (in the club) got his beige seats looking almost white with a combo of washing liquids then treatments. Turns out they were white all along. He'd be a good one to talk to about that, he's really into detailing - like amateur/pro level. He's around at Heino's place a lot.
oh cool thanks, ill try and get into contact with him, im new to the club so i haven't met many people yet, ill have to ask heino when hes coming around next, cool, thanks for the advice @ben
Won't need RWC for club plates.
You do. Or an inspection from club appointed person. Roady is easier.
John Johnson.