You may remember Bangin' Headlights sponsored Oz Volvo Nats last year, and that was basically by accident, because I bought a pair of them to try and adapt them to my 244, then ended up talking to the guy who runs the business over in Perth, who is also the guy who designed them.

Long story short:

  1. The headlights are amazing
  2. They are a warm white designed to replicate original bulbs
  3. They are a bona fide projector, ADR approved, they are not the kind that look like garbage and blind oncoming traffic
  4. They are lensed for RHD cars
  5. Also, they're made by an Australian company, which I think is pretty cool

Ultimately, I didn't like how they looked on my 244 as they are smaller than a 244 round (which is more like 8"). If you wanted to run them on a 244 and have them blend in, you could try and source a set of 7" fascias from the US, which I'm pretty sure if the only market where 240s had a 7" round headlight.

They are a nice unit, the lenses are custom made, and pleasingly they are indeed glass.

If you have an 1800, 12x, or 14x with factory 7" rounds, these are a straight swap.

We also gave away a set as a prize at Oz Volvo Nats, and the winner reported back they were awesome. You can see Oz Volvo's post about it here

Anyway, they were $450 new, you can have for $300. I've had them for around a year, but aside from unboxing them to mock them up on the car, they haven't seen any action. I did power them up to check out the beam and the cutoff line is crisp.

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Product link:

PS: yes, I did try to convince the owner of Bangin' Headlights to produce 8" Bosch rounds for the small group of euro cars that run them, he said the approvals and glass foundry costs are prohibitively expensive for small runs 🙁

Selling to bring in some cash for a new hoist 🙂

I'll take those please, they look just what I need for the 1800.

jamesinc changed the title to [pending] [NSW] Pair of 7" projector Bangin' Headlights - $300 .