From a running NA 940. It had a head mount dizzy. If you need a sealing plug to cover that hole, let me know as I have a new one on hand I believe.

If anyone is lukewarm just post here and I will drag it out and take photos!

Offloading some parts to fund other stupid Volvo-related purchases so you know the money is going to a good cause.

Pleasingly good condition. The deck has no corrosion, the marks you see in the usual corrosion spots are surface only. I think once skimmed you can expect this deck to come up immaculately.

In the chambers note also that at some point someone has knocked the corners off the long side of the chamber recess.

I hadn't taken a closer look at this head until now but generally it looks to be in great condition although my advice with used heads is always to tear them down, resurface, lap the valves, replace the seals.

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That's definitely NOT the one off my car is it? The one which ... I can't recall who took it TBH, was it Mike?

No definitely not, it looks too used.

    Forg it didn't come from Mike, I forget where I sourced it to be honest, I've had it about a year. I took delivery of it, but was recovering from a back injury so didn't want to carry it down to the garage. I tucked it away in a corner and forgot all about it until a week back!

    At the risk of starting a thread take over.

    What benefit is there from the champhor they put on squish area? Which looks kinda big to me. I know about sharp edges being an ignition piont under some circumstances but this big champhor would affect compression wouldn't it?

    I've been watching David Vizard videos on youtube.


    It is for deshrouding the valves to improve flow. Taken to its logical conclusion you totally eliminate the lip on the intake side and feather it out toward the edge of the bore.

    I think as seen here I wouldn't expect much, maybe a few HP and a bit more power at high RPM.