So my engine is a b19 and i am going to bore it to 2.1
So a b21..

My question is would b21 Turbo pistons fit my B19 Connecting rods?
Does Anybody has experience with this

It is going to be R sport turboed!


Sorry can’t..

Im rebuilding the whole engine and i am almost done, it has to be the engine the car was born with.

Yes it is the same conrod, both the B19 and the B21 conrods are Volvo part 1219237 (originally 463021). The piston you're looking for is a B21A/F/FT piston (part 272044). I mention that because if you look at "turbo pistons", there is also the B21E/ET piston, which is a higher CR, 8.7:1 (I think) vs B21A 7.5:1. As a result it may not play as nice in a carb turbo setup. In terms of fitment, though, either piston will fit the B19 conrod.



    Thank you so much! Nice comment.

    Thats exactly what i Got told.
    Too keep that CR: Around 8.5:1 i think

    But i just didn’t know the thing about the pistons. I thought that ET/FT/T was the same turbo pistons

    Currently looking at 3 sellers.
    2 of them have NOS turbo pistons from mahle
    Gotta ask them if its FT ones
    And one seller with used pistons

    If it were me, I'd avoid used pistons just on the basis of, you're spending all this money machining the block for what is going to be a really sweet setup, if you slap worn pistons in, it's going to negate the benefit of that freshly machined bore.

    I usually get pistons from KG Trimning, but I appreciate a set of four is nearly $1000.


    NOS pistons could be a great choice, just be sure of their condition, if they were stored improperly, maybe in a humid environment or maybe the gudgeon pins weren't kept in their wax paper wrappers, you might have surface defects, corrosion, etc, which will either negate the savings or just render them useless. Replacing the rings isn't the end of the world, but I don't know if you can even buy gudgeon pins by themselves.

    And adding to James’s top information, the B21ET lower comp pistons were implemented for the US market as they were unleaded fuel.
    Whereas Europe, Australia at the time still had lead and lead acted as a cushion against knock, and lubricant for valve seats and stems in the combustion process so a higher compression ratio was the norm.