Hi All, friends in southern Tas have a couple of mid 80s 240s and are looking for a Volvo friendly mechanic in the greater Hobart region. Please let me know if anyone has any experiences or suggestions. Thanks, Dan

Recommendations from the Farcebook group "Tasmanian Volvo Enthusiasts"-

  • Falk Automotive in Derwent Park - many staff own Volvos
  • David Short at North Hobart (mostly does British) (via @volvodriverman and others)
  • Justin Cooper in Kingston (does Land Rovers, but also does 240s) (via @volvodriverman)

Justin Cooper is one of the best mechanics I've ever known.

I’d back that I know someone who has worked casually for j Cooper and swears by him.

A RR is much more complex and tricky than a 240…

    jrc Thank-you, my last Landy was comprehensively serviced by Justin Cooper, known as the LR whisperer in those circles