Hi All, friends in southern Tas have a couple of mid 80s 240s and are looking for a Volvo friendly mechanic in the greater Hobart region. Please let me know if anyone has any experiences or suggestions. Thanks, Dan
Mechanic suggestions Hobart for Volvo 240
Recommendations from the Farcebook group "Tasmanian Volvo Enthusiasts"-
- Falk Automotive in Derwent Park - many staff own Volvos
- David Short at North Hobart (mostly does British) (via @volvodriverman and others)
- Justin Cooper in Kingston (does Land Rovers, but also does 240s) (via @volvodriverman)
Justin Cooper is one of the best mechanics I've ever known.
Thanks guys!
I’d back that I know someone who has worked casually for j Cooper and swears by him.
A RR is much more complex and tricky than a 240…