Ok my r is suddenly slow as and im getting like 4psi boost tops.

Boost hoses look fine cant hear any boost leaks

I have an ipd Tcv. Seems fine, it clicks when i put 12v across it. Hoses all fine

Disconnected wastegate hose to isolate tcv as problem. No change still f all boost.

Pumped wastegate actuaror with bike pump. Moves fine. Holds pressure.

Pulled heat sheild. Actuator rod looks fine and seems to be adjusted properly.

Turbo doesnt have excessive play.

Anything else i should try before i pull the turbo out? Only thing i can think of is there is something preventing the wategate from closing/sealing properly.


Clutching at straws but have you checked the Christmas tree pipes and also taken offthe throttle cover and look at those pipes ?

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I lost boost few years ago and found a split in a hose , the one that is blue in the picture