okay car was fine but had this 0.3-0.5 amp draw though why not put a kill switch rather than fix the problem.
kill switch work great for afew day. then one day i start the car and im picking a song to play and then car just dies and it wont crank
i have taken the kill switch out and reverted to factory setup

its not the battery its only 2 months old
all the fuses are fine

the fuel pumps prime ( also dont think they inhibit cranking)

the started car idlying doesnt stop coz of the starter so not the starter
the main blade fuse is fine (25amp) i did try with another

not the neutral coz ive tried cranking in neutral and it wont

anyone now what could inhibit cranking

jamesinc changed the title to 1990 240 - No Crank .

Multiple items failing can cause no engine crank.

How long have you owned this vehicle and when did it begin the no crank behaviour?

Having that large of a drain at the battery may or may not be related, if you’re certain that when there is no crank, you have verified there is enough charge in the battery to actually turn the engine, and don’t add a kill switch because doing so is dodgy and does nothing for identifying and rectifying the problem but you already know this

In fact don’t change or add a thing til you know what is causing the parasitic drain first

Where abouts are you based?