Hey all,

So i am doing a B230FT swap into my 240 with a motor from a complete running 940T. I had recently picked up a running LH2.4 240 donor which i only pulled the EZK harness from for the conversion as thats all i needed as far as i am aware. Just making sure that i dont really need anything else from the LH2.4 donor 240 to get the motor running in my car. If there are other things i need please let me know.

Im aware ill have speedo sensor issues leading to idle issues. But for the time being i should be fine. as i will be just running the standard M40 4speed W/O Overdrive in the car just to get it running. and it has a cable driven speedo.

But anyway as far as i am aware these are the bits i have and i think its all i need to get the motor into the car and running??


  • B230FT from 940
  • LH2.4 Manual Flywheel
  • EZK, ECU, from said 940
  • LH2.4 EZK Loom from 240

If there are any significant bits missing please let me know…

I assume you mean M45, M40 is from pre-240 era Volvos

    jamesinc Nope it has an M40/M41 4speed W/O Overdrive. My car is an 81 245

    Huh there you go, I thought all 4-speed 240s were M45 except maybe 1974/75 models.

    If you want a super clean install, you should also get the ECU mounting bracket and drivers kick panel from an LH-2.4 240. It will bolt right into your '81 model! Not strictly necessary of course, you can just cable tie the ECU to something in a pinch, although I'm sure I will annoy some punters by saying that!

    You will need a solution for the speedo signal, I converted a 1981 240 to LH-2.4 but I decided to just take the entire rear axle and suspension from a '92 model and so I wired up the OE sensor. You'll want an LH-2.4 instrument cluster although if you decide you don't care about the idle issues then you can ignore the speed signal input.


      other than that however, the only Wiring i needed to pull was the EZK harness? Where does the ECU from the 940 plug into the 240? Is there wiring etc for that already inplace.

      Where to begin.....

      • Get the fuel pump with cradle from the 940. It will have the higher volume pump needed for turbo applications.
      • You'll need a plug for the back of the head where the head mounted distributor used to sit - p/n 1336763-6.
      • You will need to sort out what you're doing for ignition - either wasted spark, or block mounted distributor. If you're using a block mounted distributor, you may need to change the auxiliary shaft as some 940 versions didn't have the gear for the block mounted distributor drive.
      • You can use a Brantz BR-4 to supply a vehicle speed signal to the ECU. This connects between the speedo drive and the speedo cable.
      • You'll need to change the engine mounting brackets over - 240 and 740/940 are different.

      I am in the process of building an engine for my 242GT, which originally had K-Jet, so I have done my homework about what's needed to put LH 2.4 into a K-Jet car.

      JFTR, M40 gearbox was fitted to B20 engines - 140s and 1800s in OZ - no overdrive.
      M41 was the overdrive version.
      M45 is the 240 4 speed, there are 2 versions - pre-79 with 3 shift rails and 10 spine input shaft; and 79+ with twenty-something splines and one shift rail. M46 is the overdrive version. M40/M41 have a gearbox cover with an internal shift lever; M45/M46 have a cage bolted to the rear of the gearbox. Google either, and you'll see the differences between M40/41 and M45/46.

        Major Ledfoot

        I should have mentioned i am changing the head to a Reconditioned and ported 531 head ive had sitting in the shed for a while and will be replacing the intermediate shaft from my current car into the B230FT to have block mounted distributor Temporerily just to get the motor in the car and running and iron out any creases., I have also already ordered a wasted spark board which i will be putting into the car to remove distributor entirely later down the line.

        as far as i am aware the Fuel pump in the 240 should be fine for the time being as it runs a higher fuel pressure already. Again will be a temporary measure to get the motor in the car and running however i will make sure to remove the pump and cradle from the 940 for later application.

        If you have access to a lh2.4 240 why don't you use the ecu harness too?

          timbo as far as i was aware its not necessary

            timbo okay ill get to pulling the remainder of the harness