Hey all,
So i am doing a B230FT swap into my 240 with a motor from a complete running 940T. I had recently picked up a running LH2.4 240 donor which i only pulled the EZK harness from for the conversion as thats all i needed as far as i am aware. Just making sure that i dont really need anything else from the LH2.4 donor 240 to get the motor running in my car. If there are other things i need please let me know.
Im aware ill have speedo sensor issues leading to idle issues. But for the time being i should be fine. as i will be just running the standard M40 4speed W/O Overdrive in the car just to get it running. and it has a cable driven speedo.
But anyway as far as i am aware these are the bits i have and i think its all i need to get the motor into the car and running??
- B230FT from 940
- LH2.4 Manual Flywheel
- EZK, ECU, from said 940
- LH2.4 EZK Loom from 240
If there are any significant bits missing please let me know…