evan after a short time running the plugs oil up and won't start again
Might be time to check your PCV routing? It's possible the plugs are oiling up because there's oil from the flame trap being dumped straight into the inlet manifold.
Let's presume your Strombergs need to be set to B20B spec - according to the 1974 Green Book, you ought to have B1 DA fuel needles in both carbs. To confirm the fuel pressure, the OE type mechanical pump should deliver about 2.1 PSI at idle and then 4 PSI at 6000 RPM.
Timing? The book says for a B20E (D or K cam) it should be 10 deg BTDC on 100 octane fuel.
Oh - and BTW, the dizzy spins in the opposite direction of a B21 or B230, but the firing order's still 1-3-4-2.