Hi there. I have a 2013 S60 with B4204T7 engine an oil leak from the back of the engine. Significant amount as it’s pooling within the gearbox casing. I have cleaned it up and about to check where it’s coming from. I could be guessing the valve cover? Anyone else had this issue. Only got 70k on it.
2013 S60 - Oil leak
I’m not very familiar with those engines, but you’ll need to check if there is an oil trap on that engine, aka breather box, aka PCV breather.
If so, it needs to be replaced. They can cause oil leaks if they have never been replaced before and the engine oil hasn’t been replaced as often as it should.
Thanks just had a better look after cleaning engine down. Looks to be leaking from brake vacuum pump. Might need a new o ring.
jamesinc changed the title to 2013 S60 - Oil leak .