So I have a V50 T5 it was driving fine before it was parked, a few weeks ago, went to start it today and the battery was completely flat, charged it up and it won't start, Everything works apart from it won't start and comes up immobilizer see manual, has anyone had this issue with the P1 platform also the cel is flashing 8 times
cheers Gav

It might still be a battery issue. Have you tried disconnecting the battery negative for a few minutes?

@jamesinc I was thinking the same, might have dropped a cell, I gave a new battery on the V70, will give that a go in the morning. cheers

Left the battery disconnected for 30 mins, and installed a good known battery with 13+ bolts, still no joy

Can you hear the steering column lock engage/disengage when the key is inserted?

@timbo yeah it engages and disengages, if it was an immobilizer issue wouldn't the car keep the steering locked?

    gavinh low voltage can cause dramas with the immobilizer. There's multiple checks, if you have Vida/dice you can see which module is blocking the start process (steering column lock, Cem Ecu)

    Usually the steering column lock is the culprit for immobilizer faults on p1.

    Sill question but you have locked/unlocked the car a few times with the good battery?

    Excessive voltage drop when starting can cause it too

    Sometimes the early p1s can lose key programming when the battery goes completely flat

      timbo Yeah installed a good battery and had charger on it to, I'm trying to get Vida working on my laptop.

      9 days later

      Finally got it sorted once I got Vida's working on my laptop, it was just a faulty ignition switch.
      I check the resistances across the contacts, found 2 of them to be around 20-30 Ohms, gave them a clean with some sand paper, checked again thank then reassembled and installed it. It worked straight away.