Officially finished Stage 0 Service and Checkover + Fixing a few other gremlins + Getting it ready for roadworthy and registration. So the initial list/fixes. I ignored the bodywork stuff, I don't have the knowledge, space or tools to fix any of that stuff right now so that will have to wait. None of it is structural and I don't think much of it is spreading. But I will get onto it as soon as practically possible.
Initial List:
• Replaced water pump. As I thought I was halfway there, I also did the timing belt & tensioner roller as well.
• Replaced flame trap (the old one wasn't actually blocked but the hose was hard).
• Minor leak from trans oil pan (confirmed fixed by tightening the bolts)
• Bolt missing between engine/trans near oil pan on exhaust side (haven't fixed this, might mention it tomorrow when it goes in for roadworthy)
• Missing clamps on tie rod/rack end boots (again, forgot this so will mention it tomorrow)
• Rear suspension bushings LHS worn (they actually look okay on closer inspection)
• Brakes need re-bleeding (as it turns out, the previous owner must have really fucked the system, it needed a new master cylinder AND booster and 4 good bleeding sessions, there was so much air in there).
• Every tyre is a different brand but all the same size (but roadworthy tread!)
• Drivers side power window not working (fixed with a new switch)
• Drivers door grip loose (the screws were not tight....)
• Front passenger door pocket missing (still gone, haven't got a replacement yet).
• Rear seatbelts missing both sides (managed to get some yesterday and installed now, all good :D)
• Boot trim loose (I clipped it back in but it comes off every so often, will fix properly one day).
• Instrument cluster - Tacho not working, odometer not working, fuel guage not working, shift indicator light always on. (Okay so my cluster was pretty messed up. The wiring connecting to the speedo has lost its contact, so I needed to touch up the solder joints to enable the speedo to work and get power to the cluster. Tacho didn't work as it wasn't plugged in - fixed. Odometer not working, the circuit board was fucked so I got another cluster and swapped over the circuit board, put two new gears in the odometer and its working fine now. Fuel gauge was working, the car just had very little fuel in it, as I discovered today when it ran out and engine lost all power... Lucky the servo is literally just round the corner. Shift indicator light was just a dodgy overdrive solenoid, fixed with a new one).
• Radio works when it wants to. (It seems to work reliably now, perhaps it just hadn't been used in a while)
• Interior lights work when they want to. (The switches on the doors are little dodgy so it doesn't always realise)
• Electric aerial broken (still not fixed, the plastic gear inside is broken)
• Faults in rear right tail light wiring (reverse lights come on when blinkers on and so on) (fixed this by redoing all the wiring on the light, it was just in the wrong order).
Other things:
• Alternator shat itself one day so replaced that with a used unit from Berry. All good now.
• Changed the oil and oil filter. Only 2 litres of oil came out of it which is a bit low haha.
• Changed the transmission oil. I know it has a reco box and is not due yet BUT the level was low and I was not sure which fluid the previous owner used, so I replaced it altogether. Only 1 liter came out....
• Replaced the thermostat and put fresh coolant in. Runs at temperature now.
• Readjusted ignition timing and idle settings. Runs smooth, has power and altogether drives a little bit better than before. Its a happy car!
All in all, Im feeling really happy with it, lots of little stuff done and still lots to go but its come so far and come up really well. I just cannot wait to drive it properly! Photos again for your entertainment. Its so cleaaannnnn. It came up a different colour when I removed the thick layer of dirt!