• Whoops I bought a 240GL!

So... Some of you may be aware that I've sort of been wanting a 240 wagon (245 in the old language). Specifically I wanted one in a light blue colour, with dark blue upholstery, and to be a reasonably new model with a 4 speed auto.

Well, the perfect car came up on eBay yesterday and we jumped on it!

So, Im really fucking happy first off! This was a completely unexpected $600 spend but oh well. I've been looking around for ages and its all just been junk. Its a 1988 model, with 4 speed auto :D

So its not perfect, obviously, but all the basics are there. Colour is good, interior trim is real good, all the interior bits seem.... Mostly attached! It has electric windows and mirrors which I was surprised about considering the big fat GL written on the back.

So it starts, runs and drives perfect. Has a reco transmission on it too! Has a few issues with the brakes which we will resolve soon. The water pump is vibrating and clearly on its last legs so we will change that. Other than that, there isn't anything majorly wrong with it. Few dents and scratches. No rust worth talking about. Paint isn't the best but fair for a 27 year old car! Im so happy with it, it has the wheels I wanted, it has roof racks and a tow bar. Its everything I wanted!!! Guys Im so excited for my third project and the fifth Volvo to join our family!!
Awesome! I saw that on ebay, looked like a really good Project. Let me know if you need any help or info, I know these cars really well! What are your plans for it?
Hey man! Yeah its an awesome project car, all the basics are there :) And will do man, Im familiar with the modern Volvos as you know but this should be simple. The guy actually had a Haynes manual for the 240 series that he threw in with the sale haha. My plan is to restore it and put it club registration, I'll use it occasionally for club drives and stuff like that. The XC and 97 are both on full registration so I don't need a third on full reg haha
They are a simple car to do the water pump and cam belt on against the whiteblock motor.
Newish auto is a bonus. Make sure the Compression is good too.
You are going to see why we prefer rwd cars soon :p

Looks alright. Blue with blue isn't my favourite colours on these, prefer tan interiors or black.
I didn't do a comp test before buying but it seems to run pretty smooth, Ill do one in a few days when I have a bit more time. I thought the reco auto was a bonus. Don't want to rebuild one of those anytime soon haha. It drives like such a big heavy car compared to the newer ones though, but I like it, its a big soft pillow. Blue on blue happens to be my favourite colour haha. All my cars are blue! Can't wait to finish up the XC so I can dig into this. 3 projects on the go ugh.
As much as I love my 240, I do miss having a wagon. I approve of your purchase mate :)

Call Ash for more low.
Hell yeah dude!! It looks sick!

I prefer the blue or black interior, in the process of converting to black as we speak! Cant wait to see it at the hangs some time!

What are your eventual plans for the car? Manual swap? +T?
Awww thanks guys! Yes 4 wagons in the family now... Lets just say everyone knows who to ask when they need to move house -.- hahaha.

The blue is sickkkkk, I love it, its in great nick as well! It wont be at hangs for a bit, needs a bit of work haha.

My plans for the car at the moment arent grand, just fix it and restore it for now. Club reg it. I dont really know if Ill ever change the trans, the one on it is great, so no reason to. Turbo maybe one day but who knows. Ill cross all these bridges when I get there haha, for now I just want to get it driving!!
Great stuff! Did you see the light with the XC or are you planning on keeping it too?
Planning to keep that too haha.

XC = Roadtrips, camping, long distance driving etc.
97 = Daily drive, work, uni, friends that I don't need to look cool for etc.
240 = Club reg car, drive to club meets, volvo meets etc.

Got it all worked out!!
Atleast chuck some of Ash's springs on it, I can help with some swaybars too!!!! So cheap youd be a total spud not to do it
Lol maybe one day. Literally right now the priority is to get it in a drivable condition
When you are up to it, Front bar will legit cost you $30 tops
But with stock springs... Not really worth it because it makes the whole thing act odd.
6 days later
Finally had a chance to get under the thing and look around today, got some photos of le beast as well for your entertainment. Have the following list:

• Water pump broken - replacement due
• Flame trap replacement due (all the hoses are rock hard)
• Minor leak from trans oil pan (bolts were loose so fixed that I think)
• Bolt missing between engine/trans near oil pan on exhaust side
• Missing clamps on tie rod/rack end boots
• Rear suspension bushings LHS worn
• Brakes need re-bleeding (couldn't find any leaks!)
• Every tyre is a different brand but all the same size
• Various dents and scratches
• Small rust patch bottom left of boot area
• Surface rust forming around windscreen seals
• Surface rust forming around rear door RHS
• Paint faded on bonnet and upper drivers door sill
• Drivers side power window not working
• Drivers door grip loose
• Front passenger door pocket missing
• Rear seatbelts missing both sides
• Boot trim loose
• Instrument cluster - Tacho not working, odometer not working, fuel guage not working, shift indicator light always on.
• Radio works when it wants to.
• Interior lights work when they want to.
• Electric aerial broken
• Faults in rear right tail light wiring (reverse lights come on when blinkers on and so on)

One question I do have is the previous owner fitted a reco trans from a "Pre 85" model or something, so I worry it may be a 3 speed as the shift indicator light is on all the time (usually meaning something with the overdrive isn't working, yes??). I got the following details off the trans (the paint on the sticker was really faded so I did the best I could reading these, should be correct but might not be 100%):
• Aisin AW 03 70
• P/N: 1263485
• S/N: 86AC 81936

And now, photography:

Looks like you've got your work cut out for you!
Looks like a nice car otherwise, hopefully most electrical gremlins are related - faulty grounds, rubbed through witing etc
you should be able to count the gears as it starts up
Three speed auto with overdrive? If the OD light is on the dash, I don't think that the OD is working. I might be wrong though, as I haven't had an auto for a year now.
I can help with all the wiring. I'll send you a PM about it.
If it's an AW70 it will be OD, the light tells you that you have the OD switched off.
Yeah a fair bit of work, but nothing major at least, it effectively needs a good service really haha. All the fluid levels are really low or non existent, and the oil filter looks real old so its definitely time.

Its the 88 models the ones with the biodegradable wiring harnesses that basically turned to shit over time?

I can't drive the car as it has no brakes or coolant flow so Ive never got it past 2nd gear... No idea if 3rd or 4th work. But it is an AW70.

Yeah I believe it to be a 3 speed auto with overdrive, there is an overdrive button on the gearstick, but I pressed it and the light doesn't turn off, its literally on all the time, even when its in Park.

So the previous owner had 2 of these 240 wagons, a pre 85 model (not sure what year exactly) and this one. They had the trans rebuilt on the other car, and then they ended up scrapping it, but in order to not waste the reco trans, they took it off that car and put it on this one, apparently. So if it was a pre 85 i feel like theres a chance it might not have overdrive, as I know the 83s and earlier didn't. But it is an Aisin AW70!

Thanks Duncan Ill read it now :)
2 months later
Update on the accidental 240 purchase:

The counter hold tool finally arrived. Trying to remove the crankshaft bolt without this tool was seemingly impossible. $50 later and the bolt was out!

New water pump, timing belt and tensioner on

Back together and it runs sweet. No more shitty noise from the pump.

Odometer drive gear replacement fun... The fuel gauge looked a bit dodgy, might explain why it doesn't work, so I replaced that with one from a spare cluster that came with the car

And back together, put 3 kilometres on it already ;)