Is there a trick to adjusting and cleaning out the screen washer jets without removing them from the car?

The washer pump appears to be working fine, but all I get from the jets is a trickle of water, and not much of a squirt towards the screen.

My new toy is off for his rego inspection tomorrow (Wednesday) morning so I need to sort this pronto.

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    Major Ledfoot

    If they are similar to 140's, I use a syringe filled with water and fitted with a short section of the appropriate sized clear PVC tubing. I then disconnect the hose from the supply end of the jet, then inject the water through the discharge end back through the jet, this usually washed out the crap that is built up in the nozzle.

    Good luck with it.

      arebee These beasties are totally different to the 140 ones which I know and love - they look like this.

      140 jets are like 240 jets, and can be re-aimed with a pin or needle inserted into the nozzle outlets. I don't have a clue how to re-aim this type.

      I will try the syringe trick though, cheers.

      The caps may be screwed in a bit far restricting the flow. The angle also changes based on perpendicular shaft thread position. In the past I've had to temporarily swap to a modern universal kit for roadworthy then swap back and fix them up. Good luck tomorrow!